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A member registered Jan 08, 2017

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I did find some, by gambling and lowering my dignity!
still don't know how to get Kuruth to react, or how to gain access to the manor (might require a new save? idk)

I wanna say, i might have come off mean, but im really interested in the game, and i cant experience all the current content bc i dont have enought resources

if anybody knows of a way of modifying save data, id be very interested

the game is nice, but when you reach the end of current gameplay the game is litterally unplayable. You are gonna run out of ressources and be unable to experiencee other events. And i cant edit the savefile bc its a weird format. I really wanna play more, the game is interesting, but the amount of ressources is so low,  you cant play at the end

well i guess imma have to go gambling lol. my condition is maxed out and i basically did nothing but walk around. im kuruth's pet and he's doing nothing hehe

Gotta figure out how to lower my stats other than getting spooked in the woods, or stabbed by staying out too long at night

The game is nice but other than the start i have no idea how to get sex scenes

it kinda sucks that the quest with Fawn hard bsdm doesnt let you do hard bdsm other than that one time