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A member registered Apr 15, 2022

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Here, ¿Why do you want it?

If i'm not wrong the guy was asking about yellow/grayed out options in story, like Ashley taking her top off at the restaurant or Pixel going nude to the Hot Spring.

After Pixel 14 event (The one where she sleeps with the MC) you can ask her to be your alarm, 10 in game days afterwards you can go for exhibitionism at the cafe.

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In the bowling event (Part of Kali story) Moon already knows the MC name (Which she doesn't learns until after the 2nd bar event (After the training is over, where the MC introduces himself as Mr. Moon), there is also the possibility of her blowing the MC (Which then goes into conflict with the event where she invites the MC to her apartment and end ups blowing him for the first time).

What i mean about the bar is making it a part of the hotel (Not a buyable upgrade, but a free one) after one week or so of gameplay, that way the MC will at least know Moon before events involving her that make no sense with not meeting her (Pixel/MC taking Ally to the park, where they meet Moon) and the whole Kali thing.

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Finished with the current content, was going to complain about some events taking too long (Specially Kali and Autumn ones), but realized while going through Ashley/Maria/Twins/Lin events that i don't have a problem with the length, i'm just not interested in technological/religious blabbing or school drama, but that may as well be someone's else cup of tea, that said would really appreciate some kind of library/book about the religious babbler, or maybe adding those to date topics with Autumn, really enjoyed most of it.

Question 1: ¿Is the rest of the story getting a complete makeover (Like previous events did)? There is a lot of stuff that just is now wrong or feel incomplete due to changes to previous events.

Suggestion: A lot of current continuity errors revolve around Moon and the bar, making the bar available let's say after a week in would easily fix that and wouldn't break the game since the barebones bar is more of a liability than an asset ecomomically speaking, the other way around it would be to link Moon's story progression to that of other characters (For example Kali, MC and Moon going bowling makes no sense before MC starts dating Moon), the same applies to Kate, her two/three last events (When she starts coming to the hotel to take the MC out) would make way more sense after Ashley expelling is lifted, the other way to go around both stories would be to create additional dialogue depending on when the events take place.

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Game sometimes sends me to the university when visiting Kali, even though she hasn't gone there yet Pic 1:Current progress (No 2nd floor, no Android) Pic 2:Me at the university, i think it has to do with visiting right after requesting nudes, but it is kind of inconsistent (Sometimes happens, sometimes it doesn't).

Note 1: Also, i think there may be a small contradiction between what is shown in the introduction and what Ellen says in one of her events, 16 years ago Grandpa already had at least two elves refering to him as master, but Ellen mentions he buying Lin a few weeks before passing because even though he didn't see himself as a master he wanted someone who would not talk back or something like that, implying that Lin was his first female elf.

Note 2: Ellen used to say to Lin to cook something for "Your [Insert player name]" at the beginning of the game, this was corrected to just refer to the player by name, but there is also a similar phrasing in one of Ellen events (The one in the laundry room), which hasn't been corrected.

Note 3: MC mentions the Dungeon after adquiring Jinny even if the player hasn't unlocked it.

Note 4: Ashley mentions relationship with Felicity improving in one of Kate events (The one with the Hot Spring), even if at that point Felicity and Emma haven't moved in, side characters in general seem to advance at a higher rythm than others (If i am not wrong after the beginning of their story their events are timed to certain days, instead of being linked to either the hotel's progression or main characters relationship level).

Note 5: Hazel recognizes the MC as a creep even if you didn't do any exhibitionism there, i think the only time i was at the cafe was in one of Kali's story events.

Note 6: Kali 23 event was changed but she stills mentions something that happened in the old version of that event in the event 24 (The MC massaging Lucy's boobs).

Note 7: The change to Lin 19 (When she meets Sylvia) makes a lot of what she says in her next one make little to no sense (Sylvia is less mean, no mention of true elves, or calling Lin dirty), also, not a error (Who didn't play it before won't know that there was a option to free Lin), but you still take a hit to affection when interacting with Autumn for not doing so.

Note 8: One of Maria's early events (The blowjob one) was changed to state that her boyfriend dumped her, but the event 15 (When they meet again) the boyfriend states that she dumped him (Which before was true, but not now).

Note 9: I think there is something wrong Emma exhibitionism option, after getting the twins drunk the MC is able to go on beach dates with Emma while keeping Felicity mad (This allows the MC to kiss Emma before Felicity, which is a plot point later on), but also when suggesting Emma to go on a date it unlocks her exhibitionism option (Or drops the player there), even though the option is still grayed out.

Note 10: Cornwall makes mention of their previous first meeting/petty challenge with the MC, even though that was replaced/changed and their first meeting being now at some political campaigning thingy.

Note 11: After unlocking sleeping with Pixel all other options, besides Lin, disappear, they reappear gradually while progressing Pixel's story (Around event 16 they are all there again).

Note 12: After Pixel humidity accident, even if MC didn't ask Ellen for her swimsuit, she complains about Pixel using it.

Note 13: Cowgirl sex with Pixel is unlocked bugged (Music changes until you have fun with someone else) after event 18, but story wise it doesn't unlock after event 21, even mentioning something about Pixek mask being removed, and technically you can have sex with Pixel even before all that by taking her to the dungeon (Around event 13/15).

Note 14: Kali mentions Moon on her event 30 even if there's no bar yet.

Note 15: In "Lucy first delivery" she uses the name that Lin calls you, if at the beginning you decided that Lin should refer to the MC by name, Lucy uses the MC's name, which makes the conversation make no sense (Basically Lucy calls MC by his name and the MC ask her where did she hear that).

Note 16: In Lin's 27 event Kali is working as a delivery girl, even after she moved to the university.

Note 17: Misspelling error in one of Lucy's events, there are a few of those, most of them related to the new content (Which for me is anything introduced after 0.15.1).

Note 18: In Pixel 31's event the MC now has the option to call off the hacking, but the dialogue afterwards still doesn't change (Pixel mentions that she was the one who hacked and shared their pictures, even though that technically didn't happen).

Note 19: Pixel 32 event takes place at the bar with Maria as bartender, even if the player hasn't bought it.

Note 20: In Pixel event 36 they run into Moon at the park, even if the player doesn't have the bar yet.

Note 21: Pixel event 37 with no bar and no Moon makes no sense.

Note 22: Maria's 32 event story wise is supposed to take place after meeting Sylvia's queen (Nia and Sylvia have some words about the queen and the end of it), but it can be accessed before that.

Note 23: Emma/Felicity 32 event is supposed to take place after their suspension is lifted (Ashley 33 event), but it can be accessed before that.

Also, ¿Wasn't Juliet name purple or am i missremembering? 

Question, ¿How hard/complicated would it be to add some kind of trophies/achievements to the game?

>I don't think any of the other characters are talking about you marrying Ashley

Maria and Lin kinda do, with Lin is when she and Ashley talk about kids (Dunno if it's a Lin or an Ashley event), and with Maria is it kind of a regular bit whenever Ashley is around, one of the most obvious is when Ashley and Maria are talking about their intentions towards the MC (after Ashley pulls out the knife), Ashley mentions how three people can't get married and Maria answer that she has no intention to marry the MC, so Ashley is free to do so.

>Which leads me to my question, will the update be out here on Itch in the coming days, weeks, months?

There's no concrete date, but an approximation (from patreon): Sometime between October - November.

There are beta builds already available to 10$+ patrons.

>I certainly wouldn't want to add any Mary Sue stuff, because that would be bad writing.

Mary Sue stuff isn't bad writing per se, it depends less on the nature of the character and more about the writing of the story for it to be bad writing, i'm almost sure that all shonen protagonist are Mary Sues, Goku never grows, Naruto was chosen for greatness since he was born, Saitama whatever, Seiya whatever, etc, yet Dragon Ball, Naruto, Saint Seiya and One Punch Man are quite popular for some reason (Not a big fan of shonen, but i'm sure that the reason aren't the main characters, but the world around them, there are a lot of mangas that will never reach the popularity of those above even if they have similar main characters because they can't simply replicate the world building without getting sued).

He's talking about the player, ¿Got nothing? Here's a business, ¿Have no idea of how to manage that business? Here's someone to do it for you (Btw, she's hot and is into you), ¿Are you polygamous? Everyone else here is too, and they are hot and into you.

(He's a Mary Sue by definition, but doesn't counts because he isn't a character).

That said, Mary Sue traits can be found in almost every character in the game (Mostly because of the nature of the game), 

The elf: ¿Are you a slave in a world of shit where your kind is used and disposed of without consequences nor regrets? Don't worry, you will have masters that won't do as much as even scar your pretty skin and will go to lose your virginity with the person you love(? who will also listen to your dangerous ideas that could strip him of his life, and who will believe in you even after failure because dying and dragging everyone around him to their death or imprisonment isn't as important as saving you from a world of pain that so far hasn't even scratched you (The player here comes as the biggest piece of shit, no doubt that Autumn, the twins and the poor bartender at some point will also bet their lives for the little elf, but until that point the hotel is being the cover of a super risky operation that could throw all of its inhabitants and employees into reeducation camps with them not even knowing why).

Ashley: ¿Are you a little useless self absorbed kid with shitty parents and no talent whatsoever? Don't worry you can threaten your bad parents with a knife, steal from them and live off of them without repercussions (Like being thrown in jail) and when living off your parents is no longer an option, don't worry, you didn't need money all along, the guy you raped, drugged/tried to drug and almost dragged into issues with the police due to your reckless behavior will now look after you, btw, everyone likes you and the ones that don't are just jealous.

Nice job with Maria, worked hard without results, lived a life that wasn't hers to begin with and went into more than one depressive episode as her world came crashing over her twice (Within the game, bet that there were some more before it began), pretty human and the flaws associated to a super expensive and rare creature being bought in an AUCTION by some broke hotel's manager is part of the flawed system around the game is build in, you can't fail because if you fail the story is lost.

Android: Doesn't counts, your creator intended you to be flawed, so you are flawed, your system knows of your flaws and doesn't like your flaws, but can't just crash (like Windows) because you are somewhat sentient and can overwrite such attempts, also you can dump your memory and do repartitions of yourself, but that's what your system dictates you should do.

The twins, ¿Are they even characters? ¿See the person you have been mean to, the one that pulled a knife to you? Well, you are now living in the same place, and don't worry, pulling knifes or telling his now boyfriend(? to kick you out to preserve her own mental health (Which doesn't seems to be good) isn't something she would do, not even after being victim of your blackmail and abuses, also, ¿See your dad? The very controlling guy that doesn't accept nothing but perfection from you, instead of forcing you into confinement to fix your behavior (Like he apparently has done before) he will let you two off the hook and not interfere with you, not even after he starts getting blackmailed into doing stuff that go according to what you want him to do (It wouldn't take much to put the blame of the blackmail on the twins, regardless of if it was them or not), also, you don't need money either because of bananas, (The best beginning for the twins is to not progress in Ashley Story until after they join the hotel, but that only works as a beginning because went the player encounters them in the school it's like they don't know him at all).

Autumn: Doesn't counts, i don't get Autumn, ¿How ignorant is Autumn supposed to be? Hard to judge her as a character when she seems to be so far removed from everything else, Autumn story feels like it is in a whole different world than the rest.

Kali: I'm almost sure that she has the same or more content than the elf, yet she's so bland that really nothing sticks, she's an Ashley, but by choice, and everyone is happy with it, really smart with a big future that throws it all away due to laziness, but wait a moment, everything comes back again to her because of reasons and she isn't lazy anymore and everything works out or something, Kali is tasteless bread, the elf has the slavery, Maria has her struggles, Ashley has her shitty parents, don't really know about the android, the twins or autumn, but by default they are more interesting that Kale because one is an Android, the other are a couple of characters which stories evolve together and the last one is a religious zealot, by default they are more interesting that i had a perfect life which i did throw away and now it is back, Kali is lame, the best bits of Kali come as part of someone's else story and that does her no favors as a character.

You are able to tell a story because your characters can't know failure (Except for Maria) since they don't have anything else outside of that story in which they could fail without it stopping the story, if Lin losses the support of the main casts, the story is done (We know that everyone will always be on board with little Lin's plans because if they are not the hotel would fall apart and Lin has no other aspirations in which she could fail), if Ashley gets sent to a mental hospital, the story is done (We know that Ashley mental issues will banish alone and be lost with no actual treatment because treating them would remove Ashley from the story and that won't happen, reason why i liked Maria/Android being actually removed, even if briefly to deal with their shit), if the twins are taken by their parent, the story is done, if Android doesn't fix its shit, the story is done, don't really know about Autumn, again, Autumn seems to be really disconnected from what appears to be the main story, she could move out of the other because she wants to be a full time nun or something like that and so far doesn't seems like the story would stop because of that, same applies to Kali (specially with the introduction of elf-Kali, just as smart and way more interesting), Maria will probably be in deep shit again at some point (Being bait seems to be risky), but we all know that if the player or Maria are killed while playing spy the story would be done, so it will work out.

I know that Runey said no, but Android kind of has something like that (Talking about femdom play) and there's one scene where the android takes charge (The scene is optional, you can skip the event altogether by not engaging with the Android malfunction).

¿Is Vanessa the purple haired one? If so you need to visit the Hot Spring one afternoon (Assuming that the event with her snooping around and finding Nia already took place, if not you need to visit Kali in the morning).

The other events trigger automatically, one when you go to the lobby in the morning and the other at noon in your room.

When it reach 9/9 an event happens, the girl shows at your door and ask for release, you can turn them down twice and if you do them an unavoidable event will take place (Link breaks stuff, Kali drugs you, Ashley ties you up(?, Android brings friends to play, etc).

There's no android apk.

You need to download Joiplay [] and the Renpy plugin []

This will work like an emulator, after downloading and decompressing the game you go into Joiplay and select the .exe file to play.

Android apks have a limit of 2GB, the game at it's current size can't be compressed that much without losing a lot of its quality.

>Which version will pregnancy be added?

Runey mentioned that it was going to happen in the final update. Currently the game is around 60% done [Also mentioned by Runey], which means that pregnancy will take a while, unless a sample/what if is added in the DreamScape VR thingy of the MC's PC.

The way that i did it was to decompress the patch, copy everything inside and paste it in the game directory, overwrite anything that you're asked to.

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MEGA has this problem (It usually warns you at the start), others may be due to losing internet connection or download limits, my advise is to use a download manager (There are a lot of those for PC, JDownloader being the most used) and for android i highly recommed ADM [] It's the one that i use to download anything above 4GB.

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The one that inspired me to make the comment was this: Lin mentions that she meet the revolutionary lady when she was being auctioned and revolutionary lady kind of confirms this, later on it's shown that Lin was a slave and actually meet the revolutionary lady during the industrial age while doing some task for her master.

Will be making a list of the rest (Most of them are related to continuity issues, like Cornwall mentioning the previous challenge, which was removed and replaced with Cornwall political discourse, or Felicity and Emma not recognizing you in Ashley story even thought they were already moved in the hotel).

The game actual size is 10.43 GB (When decompressed), if you have the space it's worth it.

Also, to download large files in android you can use ADM (It's an app that will save the download progress even if the phone goes off or you run out of internet).

Nice work/job.

Question: ¿Are you aware of the story inconsistencies? (The whole playername/master thing, Lin past, Cornwall letter, interactions regarding high elves since the meeting with Sylvia was changed, etc), if yes, ¿Planning on fixing those any time soon or will those be addressed once the game is finished?

The game (At the time) is mostly linear, this is something that the game makes clear when you get to the Emma/Felicity event after Maria's advice.