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A member registered Feb 28, 2023

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Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

love the art style and the abscence of the demon untill pivotal moments, made my brain assume things were there.

in the upload it did note of 3rd party content allowed on YouTube, music being used when in the keep out room.

i made a video on the game if you are interested

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love the idea of an eternal turmoil while on a boat at sea.

I do wish the fishing mechanic was easier as i spent a good 20 mins on just one fish.

I made a video if you wish to see!

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Bramble and I did poorly, bad detective work on our side

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love the idea of being stalked by the wolfman while camping, also LOVE THE RACOON PLEASE MORE ANIMAL PETS

I did wonder if i would get jumpscared by the wolfman if i lingered too long.

I made a video if you wish to see more!

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love the character selection element and the audio quips used in the game.
I would love if each character had a unique combo move or visual change for hot streak like Ned does.
I made a video on the game if you're interested.

Thank you for allwoing us to play your game!

Love the detail on the walls, very claustrophobic.

I made a video if you wish to watch

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love the story behiend the ship and the personality that comes out from all the individual characters.

Do wish a little more was revealed but excited for full release.

I made a video on the demo if this interests you!

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love the sound effects for the door squeeking and Carl!

I made a video if you're interested?

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

loved the art style and the ship itself, did spend my time hoping cap'n would praise me and give different tasks

I made a video on the game if you are interested!

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Loved the aspect of Santa coming to house that was almost emptied!

Also loved the ending!

i made a video if youre interested

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

really enjoyed the spooky atmoshpere of dungeon crawling whilst getting lore base voice notes from doctors.

Wasn't fully sure on the character i was, wether that be a reporter, doctor or escaperd patient so did some rp to fit with it.

I made a video if that peaks your interest? 

Also just to add, i notcied i have a copyright restiction for music while i was getting the carrot. My channel isn't monetized so not a major issue but just incase there is any porblem for future is all the music copyright free?

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Really sacry, love the sounds and people behiend you as you play.

Wish you add more like that in the future

Thank you for allowingus to play your game!

i enjoyed the different perspectives on the level such as playing the child and the mum!

I did take far too long knowing what item to lookl for but thats just my dumbass not knowing where to go

i made a video if that peaks your interest

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

love the little details and the growing story behiend the game.

i wish we could ecplore the grounds more when past the gate.

i made a video on the game if you are interested?

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Had a lot of fun trying to dodge the snowman while running for my life.

i had real issues trying to find the corpses but that may of just me being really bad at games in general.

i made a video on your game if you are interested.

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Them rabbit cheeks did not keep me safe in the tub

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love that i can finally kill that damn bird, i was a bit too good at the games so i didnt explore all the methods after the 3rd skull.

i made a video if it peaks your interest?

Something In The Well ALL Endings | Spooky Games - YouTube

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Loved the secret ending, my favourite of any game so far, did enjoy the camera night mode and the sounds used in the church.

would love maybe a bit more of seeing the beast in some areas like lil pop ups similar to the window shot.

I made a video on you game finding the endings, let me know what you think :)

Thank you for allowing us to play your game.

Loved the first and i enjoy the sequel of this, do wish i had a chance to explore before being attacked similar to slender

i made a video if you are interested

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love the idea of a horror game within a horror game, really struggled with the damn name so i knew i was in for a bad time XD

i made a video on your game if you are interested

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

hate spiders, love dogs! really conflicted

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

The golf mechanics are incredible, and the horros chasing are really scary!

I could only get to hole 12  before it got too much for me!

i made a video  on the game if you are interested
(1 edit)

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

I really enjoyed the dub of you doing all the voices of the characters! and the jumpscares got me too many times!

Please add a checkpoint system just before the stairs formed, i died there too many times that i could make a montage!

I made a video on your game  if you are  interested!

Why have you named yourself after a pedo?

Hey! thanks for allowing us to play your game!

really loved the aspect of the Hash Slinging slasher popping in and out of everything.

Also loved the sound effects when he dissapeared.

Would love an option to play as spongebob or squidward with altered tasks

I made a video on this game if this peaks your  interest?

Hey! Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Love the layout of planet express, and the ability to store multiple weapons. Also wish i found all posters on my run :'(

Did have some control issues in the begining but got them sorted.

i made a video of your game if you are interested.

Hey! Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

I love the graphics and art style, also found the house layout spot on and the screams from the characters really cool but terrifying.

Would love to see more levels or even some hostility from the  characters in the future.

I made a video on my channel playing it through for the first time  

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

Really great game, love the subtlety of the mannequins.

I made a video on your game if interested

Hey!  thanks for letting us play your game!

Love the play on Pizza Hut and the sounds of the outside when moving.

Here's my video if you're interested 

Hey thank you for allowing us to play your game!

love the VHS aspect and the wooded area/basement is genuinely scary, would love to see more in the images, maybe even the guy in the back getting closer to the player?

I made a video on this if you are interested?

Hey! thank you for allowing us to play your game!

The cat is adorable and the gameplay is smooth, the eye in the water did terrify me!

Link below if anyone is interested? 

Hey thank you for allowing us to play!

The music in the menu is utter fire!!!!

i love the knocking mechanic in the game.

My link below if you're interested in seeing me bop to the beat 

Thank you for allowing us to play your game!

I really enjoyed going into Hell or the monsters mouth, still not sure which one. Not sure if i want to know XD

Hey! thank you for allowing us to play!

I felt a  strong bond to green such a shame to see him go :'( 

Hey thanks for allowing us to play!

Really tested my parking ability in the beginning there!

Hey thanks for allowing us to play!

One of the best ending credits series ive seen, even beating marvels sercret endings!

Hey thanks for allowing us to play!

I really enjoyed racing the killer to the flower pot!

Hey thanks for allowing us to play!

I got a real kick from turning Potricks head so much!