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A member registered Sep 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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I LOVED IT! Thanks for this great game full of love! ^_^ Rookie Tournament!I'll be posting other level tournaments ^_^ Let's see how my Palmon does!

Gracias por este comentario! Lamentablemente, no ha habido mucha respuesta de la comunidad Española o Latina por lo que me es difícil dedicarle todo el tiempo a la traducción. Me gusta mucho añadir detalles como por ejemplo, esta aventura está en Español Latino PERO al final (*Spoiler si no te apareció el enemigo ancestral) el Liche de muchos años de antigüedad habla Español de España y le añadí arcaismos que me puse a investigar, para que realmente se perciba en su habla todo el paso del tiempo .

Entonces, como vez, el esfuerzo que hago de traducción es muy detallado. Compártele este juego a tus amigos y si veo una mejor respuesta de la comunidad de habla Hispana me tomaré el tiempo de traducir la siguiente aventura. ^_^

Oh I see. ^_^ so it just wasnt updated after all. I'll just target another evo line then. Btw Im really enjoying the game, thanks again!! ^_^

Possible bugged evolutionyes, I've checked that before that's why I reported the (possible) bug  here. In the guide it says that Meicoomon evolves into Gokwmon with 5k Machine exp, it doesn't have a photo and its not triggering evolution so it may be bugged. 

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Hello guys, I am loving this game. I've got a Meicoomon with 5K Machine exp alreadi but it hasn't digivolved, am I doing something wrong or is there a bug? THANKS for this awesome game, I'll wait for your new game, expect to see Labramon, Argomon, Ghostmon, etc ^_^  5k Machine Exp should digigivolve, doesnt it?

Loved it! However, I think it would be a good idea to let the player choose previous stages that were already cleared so its easier to look for secret stuff. It was nice to restart the game with a new mon but after a while it became a bit tiring. Anyways I LOVED IT!

ok thats right, I can understand some of the dialogue haha it may even help me learn Italian...why not! Si aprendí Inglés jugando videojuegos...por qué no Italiano? Tan bonito idioma ^_^ e

Nice adventure ^_^ Thanks

Im Kentaurosmon, a Royal Knight, made friends with bug digimon and leas our community into prosperity 

Is this game in English?

Estoy super contento con este juegazo! Hacian falta buenos juegos de los caballeros <3 GRACIAS! =))

I love the game, live streamed it, my stream is in Spanish tho ^_^ a complete experience, I dont mind it was short, actually I think the lenght is great plus awesome  replay value to check the other endings. I am now going to check other youtuber's reactions! Haha 

Awesome, thanks for the experience!

I will!!

Dude it is awesome!! Thanks!!

hey! Thanks man =) Im excited to play it

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Omg!! I missed for a bit the Creator day Bonus...just checked the email. Well I donated a bit anyway =)) It will be so nice to play de Arena game when it is released!! 

Mi hermano, es posible que no halla traducción de Miner's, ya que lamentablemente el esfuerzo tan grande de traducción  comparado con la respuesta de la comunidad han sido abismalmente comunidad de habla Española no dió buena respuesta. PERO si mi tiempo y otros proyectos me lo permitieran podría trabajar a paso de tortuga para que al menos exista esa opción. Gracias por el interés y creeme que es motivante...aunque sea de 1 sola persona. 

All right, yeah, usually with other languages apart from English, numbers are low. I just asked because a person wanted to know if a Spanish version of the Miner Problem was coming. But yeah, it was a lot of work. Thanks!!

Yeah thats awesome !! Whenever you want, a Miner Problem translated into Spanish, let me know  =))

Hey that is awesome! I will check it out right away! =D

Dude, this is great!! =)) Gratz!

hahaha!! It was so fun!! I´m a competitive pokemon player and loved it!! Beat it on first try!! SHARE SHARE SHARE! :D

No prob thanks to you. Keep going you are doing great. 

Hahahaha dude! Me and my wife had an awesome moment playing it as Turgut, a Turkish Alp (soldier) from the middle ages, a Fighter of course and Lawful God highly religious ( we are watching Ertugrul, a series in Netflix so we created a character from there xD)

So I was DM ( she doesnt know anything about D&D ) So I created the char for her and explained the basics which you explain combat awesomely. 

So Turgut was brought by a spell from the monks to help them with the mission. At first he didn't understand a word in Common language (didn't speak common but Turkish ) so monks had to do another spell so he could learn xD ( we had to somehow add a character from real life to DnD)

She didn't ask for any info just went straight away to train at the fight she rolled 1 twice which lead her opponent to victory. Then went straight to do the mission without getting info. 

After doing everything til the boss (no spoiler) she didn't want to flee and decided to attack ot straight away ("r u sure? u already know what's in the other room" "No I'm Turgut, Ertugrul's Alp God will guide my blessed axe" "Remember when it was alive it almost destroyed a city by itself" "My faith is bigger than tha" "ok") 


hahahaha we were laughing like no tomorrow and well Turgut alp became its slave...we laughed more because in Netflix series Turgut is brainwashed!!! That's its fate in the series and in DnD universe hahahaa

Thank you buddy keep doing this awesome job!!