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A member registered Oct 27, 2022

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(2 edits)

Seems to be a bug in this version (or maybe it's just me) where, if you try to go to sleep in the legate's tent after having finished everything else, you wake up in your house, whereupon the game promptly forces you to go to sleep again...and again...and a loop. It's nothing gamebreaking because you can just go back and choose not to do that(plus there's really not much reason to choose to sleep), but just thought I'd let you know. (Edit: upon re-testing after I've saved at the tent, this bug no longer seems to persist.)

I'm not sure if this bug is something that happens to everyone, or just me: I also ran into an issue where my last save was you telling Marius what you wanted troops trained in; but the game for some reason thought that this scene hadn't been completed yet and I could choose to re-do the scene again (not sure what that was about - I'm not sure if this caused the aforementioned looping bug. Edit: This bug happens consistently from the save.). 

(1 edit)

There's a typo on the page where Elsare is first introduced: says "ogg" when I'm pretty certain you meant to say "off." Also "olf" when it should be "old."