I don't have an ETA at this time I'm afraid. It's going to be a monster of an update with a planned minimum of 15+ levels along with new enemies so it's a bit of a task.
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First of all, thanks for all the feedback.
I'm not sure I understand the issue you're having with controls though. Arrow keys + ZXCV feels fairly standard to me unless you're maybe using an AZERTY keyboard which would mess it up. There is key rebinding to help with that though as well. I'd have to investigate supporting controllers on Gamemaker, because I haven't looked into it at all and not sure where to start.
I think I will change health burst behaviour to default to picking them up rather than activating them.
In terms of levels, I'm glad you gave such detailed feedback on them and I will be onboarding all of that as I redesign/remake levels.
The update I've been working on is more like a relaunch of the game, new tutorial, new ship and a new set of starting levels, including an overhaul of enemy behaviours. And yes, my initial plan was to have a story, won't be super story heavy and its pretty low priority though.
Thanks again for the detailed post.
This comes down to personal preference, but I actually like having so many different affixes that can appear on equipment. I know it can be annoying to never quite get that perfect item because it has some affix that's useless to you, but I enjoy that never-ending hunt for the perfect item. I would like to change it so that some items can't have some affixes, so that you don't have to find the exact same affixes on all your gear for the perfect set. But it'll require an overhaul of how items are generated and might be a bit of work.
I do plan on having 'Legendary' items that are rare drops from bosses but haven't decided whether they'll be just epic but better or be predetermined items with set stats. I am leaning towards predetermined items with special names too, I just think that'd be cooler.
Sets of items would be neat too, but I'd definitely want to have Set-bonuses to go with it and I might need a bit more time to figure that out.
I don't know if I'll add an eating items type thing, just because it'd be such a pain if you accidentally ate an item, so it'd need some special way to activate.
Thanks for all the wonderful feedback! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far.
I might've taken the whole Labyrinth theme a little too far on the 2nd stage you're right. Maybe checkpoints would be in order for longer levels because I can sympathize with how brutal losing to the boss might be and having to do it all again.
The boss of the 3rd stage, Descent, was pretty much intentionally designed to be annoying :D. Before I changed the attack animations they would specifically stand JUST out of range of attacks. The time until they attack is random each time, so you have to rely solely on reaction speed, which I admit is really tight and makes them, in my opinion, the hardest boss.
The adds in the final boss fight don't give XP, if you're referring to the blue text that pops up when you digest them, that's the Calories they are worth for the Weight Gain system if you have it enabled. Scrolling text for XP might be nice though and I might add that.
I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting people to grind levels in the game after they had finished it, but it seems quite a few people did which makes me glad :D. But I didn't really put much thought into methods to farm XP.
That action lock glitch with the repeated actions is one that's been plaguing me for a while now, it'll happen occasionally when inputting parry and another action in some peculiar timing. I've never been able to do it consistently but I'm hoping my next update will finally be the one that pins it down for good.
Thanks for the kind words! And I appreciate long comments, to me it means that you care about the game, and that's a good feeling.