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A member registered Aug 27, 2022

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It feel pretty good, i almost finish the game without dying but without the assist (coyote time/jump buffer) sometime it was hard and feel unfair… maybe you could add them. Also, you didnt write the TurnSpeed; the default value doesnt feel good, the character seems to be on ice, but only if it’s turning… that’s feel weird. I think 20 (a little sliding) or 40 (a brief stop) would be great. For the rest it’s very good character, pleasant to play. Good work.

(1 edit)

Personally, i do some change in the code but it’s working :

    public void OnMovement(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        //This is called when you input a direction on a valid input type, such as arrow keys or analogue stick
        //The value will read -1 when pressing left, 0 when idle, and 1 when pressing right.

        if (moveLimit.characterCanMove)
            directionX = context.ReadValue<float>();

My modified version

    public void OnMovement()
        //This is called when you input a direction on a valid input type, such as arrow keys or analogue stick
        //The value will read -1 when pressing left, 0 when idle, and 1 when pressing right.
        directionX = UnityEngine.Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        directionX = directionX != 0 ? directionX / Mathf.Abs(directionX) : 0; //Set the var at 1 if > 0, -1 if < 0;

private void Update()

Maybe there’s a better/simpler way, but this work so you can try it

I manage to implement the code to a Unity project, but when I wanted to put the values I found cool for a platformer in Unity, i dunno how to fill the variables with those values, especially for the jump… Can anyone help me ?