This was fun! (spoilers)
For the last question i got 'describe the taste of a rainbow to someone who has never seen colours', and, not knowing the question myself, i responded 'imagine it tastes like a rainbow' lmao.
I still won, somehow.
Thanks! I can't believe i didn't realise that lol. Do you maybe also know how to finish the 5 stage quest with those letters? For the final hint it tells me to 'let those which are circled flow' or something, and i thought it might have something to do with the circles of the inventory and the sinks throughout the last town, but it doesn't do anything
I didn't think i would actually cry, but I did. I grew up alongside my mom's cat. He died many years ago, but this game reminded me of him. It's a beautiful but sad concept, having to let go, not because you want to, but because you have to. I think this game captured that feeling of resignation very beautifully. It's a short but amazing game.
I was in the room with pronouns, and i've been thinking about using different ones than the ones I use now. 'ey' and 'ne' spoke to me, so out of curiosity, I decided to walk through 'ey'
when the subtitles suddenly said 'ey walks through the door', I was actually shocked for a moment, before feeling so happy. I almost teared up, and i'm not sure why. I've known i'm not cis but I don't know what else I am. In any case, seeing that was so nice and this game is really amazing.