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A member registered Dec 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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queue the bitcrushed and paulstretched wys theme

18$, where is this IRL i need to make some bread

best snayk bideogame

I DID IT!!!!!!!!! LESA GOOOO!!!

maniz 🤑

thanks! the LCD checkerboard effect is just a simple overlay, the ghosting effect is a little harder to explain, its kinda like the screen doesn't fully clear after each frame.

(1 edit)

btw this was made in scratch

thx lol

ngl this is a boy of uranium

is that arrow just there to troll you, because if that's so, thats funny



i'm the second one to upload a game lol

thx, the new update just released


couldn't figure out a way to embed it so here is a link to the song in google drive:

oh and also subtle screen glare

first question: is it allowed to have an overlay/effect that adds to the immersion (eg. translucent scratch marks on the screen)

second question: is it allowed to have a ghosting effect where the pixels fade out when they are off (similar to a real Nokia screen)


Best tolvuleik very sussi ngl so sigma

Best tolvuleik very sussi ngl so sigma

my high score on the endless thing is 1629m

i judge hard 😏

of course!


Thanks so much!!! I couldn't find the original v2 file and now I can work on it more thanks to you!!


yeah but for that i'd have to make a main menu so I'll do that in next vid

mouse to shoot and the boss has 200 hp


wasd and lmb to shoot

changed it to click

now its click to shoot, and also in the first 2 sec you cant move cus its a cutscene

39 bytes of my storage well spent for that .txt file

wasd for movement and space to shoot

you can win, boss has 200 hp and every time you hit him it takes away 1

up up down down left right left right A B start

Thanks! the game is very unfinished right now and the bottom path said "room error" or something along those lines, since there aren't any more levels past that point so it uses the error room. will probably fix in the next update!