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A member registered Feb 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Is it just me or is the Discord server gone?

Looking forward to the 17th!

It cannot be sold on Steam as the CG is made with Studio NEO which is a part of Honey Select 2

It's alright, mate. No worries

I didn't mean a tag, not like I read those anyway. I mean an in-game warning

Kinda weird there was a yandere and femdom warning, but no jumpscare warning

New Amy, Rachel and Debbie content. LET'S GOOOOO!

Oh, okay, thanks :) That's pretty much my case. I started playing 0.21 and then I noticed there's a 0.22 already so I continued there

I can't open the character bios and I'm too stupid to understand Ren'Py :(

When it tries to be serious because the serious scenes are either ruined by having no build up (Asia's fake out death in episode 5 and basically anything Asia related because she's the least likeable female character with a full name - I personally don't like her) or ruined by "comedy" (retcon of the last 4 eps of season 3 when they resolved the issue with Oppai Dragon song).

Most of it just isn't memorable.

I hope the story will start detaching from the anime soon... Because let's be honest, High School DxD isn't loved for its story but for Rias's tits and her amazing underwear collection

1) Succubi are devils.

2) It's a devil.

I've been scouring itch for eroges for the past year and a half, yet I've never stumbled upon this game until today. All thanks to a fan art on a Discord server for a different game with succubi from numerous eroges.

BlueSucc has me intrigued, will give this game a go soon

What do you mean by problematic? 

Azraesha, my beloved

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It's stuck at "Don't say that! That makes me embarrassed..." regardless of what I write. Hell, she says it as the first thing

0.71 on F95. Para probs forgot 'bout us Itch peasants.

Why have I never noticed this while scouring the eroge depths of I'm gonna have to give this a try asap.


Hey, I really wanna play this game but I have never watched or read High School DxD. Will I get spoiled or not? I just wanted to make sure.

Thanks in advance :)

Just finished this and I loved it! When Chang turned up I had to do a double take, haha.

Nice to hear! I really liked Addison's and Diane's designs since their first scenes so I'm looking forward to it.

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Hey! I really like the story concept. I feel like this game can be one of the "big ones", but the pace is really fast. In my humble opinion, I would say that the story would profit a lot from some downtime scenes that build on the characters and make the player care for them more.

I'm looking forward to the new update.

Looking forward to it!

Amazing...JUST amazing! I came for the fap but stayed because of the amazing writing and story. I hope I'll be able to support you on Patreon soon, because you deserve all the support you're getting and even more.

I can't think of a single thing I didn't like. I'm looking forward to the next updates!

Слава Україні!

let's gooooo

the models are made in Honey Select 2 which is a Japanese game catered for Japanese audience

Also, there's a VNDB entry for this game so anyone who wished to add it to their list can.

This game pulled me in and didn't let me go until I finished everything the 0.11.1 version had to offer. I really enjoy all the aspects of the game: quests of the individual girls, the mystery and the improvements of the school.

My favourite girls as of now are (in no particular order):

  • Amy
    • best girl
    • her looks are just perfect
    • abs!
  • Rachel
  • Faye
    • I, too, am a Marie Rose SFM enjoyer
  • Sally
    • tanned blonde!
  • Debbie
    • I like how she gets "corrupted" into a better version of herself

The game is just amazing, BUT, as a fan (who plans on supporting you on Patreon once I finally get money from my job) I also have to state some criticisms otherwise my comment would be of little value. It's just minor "criticisms", tho.

  • I wish the sex scenes and punishment scenes were animated and that the ones that are animated were smoother. However, I know that animation is expensive, that's why this is a minor "criticism". The scenes are still fappable tho, so I still enjoy them.
  • Few typos. For example, in the magazine, Amy is spelt "amy" with small "A" on one of the pages. (Well, at least in 0.11.1)

Anyways, as of now, this game deserves a solid 9/10.

Looking forward to more updates and eventually the full release.

Haha, I love this! I always imagine Grimmjack's voice when Goblin Layer speaks. Great game, pretty funny. I wish I could offer help with the animations so they're smoother, but I lack the skills in that area. Anyways, looking forward to the next update. As of 0.36.8 (or that's what I believe I have) - 4/5

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I will only say this - this game is really amazing and once I'll have enough money, I'll start supporting you on Patreon with at least 5 dollars each month.