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A member registered Mar 17, 2021

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Sounds good, yes I meant skipping mission intros and bosses. It made me stop playing because you had to listen to them talk everytime you have to start over. Thanks for the response!

Skip cutscene button please

Thanks for the help! I don't think I'll be able to find the same information unfortunatly. And going through all the text again when I don't really know what I'm looking for is going to take ages for me who reads as fast as an 8 yo. I guess this is what this part of the game is about. Seeing who fully follows the story and who doesn't. And it's been a couple of years since I started playing so alot of info isn't fresh to say the least :P

I feel like I have serched high and low, I also limited the serches to "only last month" so that hopefully only relevant results would show, but nothing. I might just have to wait a while and see if the wikis gets updated by some kind souls out there.

I just got to ask, and don't provide spoilers if it's against the rules or something. But how am I supposed to remember the answers to the questions in "Untitled"? Just go through every event the character ever appeared in and try to find the answer to a pretty vague question? I really love the game but I don't seem to get any further if I don't know the answers :(

So Rin is bound to have her heart broken every time you play the game, you evil, evil man :O (jk)

(1 edit)

Is there actually any way to make Chika and Rin a thing? I try to not do anything with Chika but I don't seem to progress unless I do. It's very tedious to do it all over and over again.