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A member registered Oct 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Donating 10k at the Shrine to get high enough to be a Kindergarten Teacher is the way to do it fast. You pay a bit upfront, but after that you get paid 5.5k and get a huge amount of Charm at the same time. You get your money back easily. And my initial focus is Charm to unlock the Modelling gig for 6k. Using the money there to get the Charm up enough, and then using the teaching for more money and Charm until Charm is capped. (Or get best end on Toru and never worry again, lol).

I'm curious about this too. I rather assume if you are doing poorly in Fame, by failing or missing jobs, other ones pop up that you can take. There are a lot of stars that I never got texts about. So, methinks if you are doing badly, you don't get to go on things like the ski trip, as there is one on the 21st as well, I think. Or it could be if you are in no relationship, and the 25th doesn't mean anything to you, then the audition for the 26th rolls up. If you find out, please let me know. I am eventually planning to do a "No Voice Acting" playthrough so I may find out then.

There are some where the partner needs to be dominant. And others where they need to be submissive. Or they need to prefer topping, or bottoming. I am missing a bunch of Toru's from the first play through because he was just Sub/Bottom. And I missed a couple on Shiba cause I turned him Dom/Top, and I'm pretty sure he needs to be Dom/Bottom to initiate one of them. At least bottom for sure cause it's an initiated one based on the same location I unlocked on Toru. Just like the Top-Left one has to have the partner as dominant and that gets missed a lot with the naturally submissive characters that you don't take the time to encourage to another style. 

I had him as friends in the last play through and he didn't come on the ski trip. I have a feeling he only does if he's your lover. It would make sense based on his sort of schedule. Though I would laugh really hard if he didn't go regardless of relationship status. #priorities

Hey all. One would think a comment thread isn't the most useful place for finding answers to common questions likely asked before, and the wikia is rather sparse. For those of you who have unlocked or discovered secrets or methods to gaining paths, images, or chibi galleries how about we come together and try to consolidate the information into a more searchable medium?

If people want to email me things they have discovered I will be happy to put the information together. Pretty much all information is acceptable and appreciated. Info can be sent to