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A member registered Oct 12, 2023

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Lfg I knew I needed to stay awake for somthing

I feel like a broken record but I've been checking itch every couple hours to see if the new update has come out yet. Can we expect it sometime today/tommorow? Or is it still a little further away than that. I'm being as patient as I can but I'm so excited :)

I don't want to be rude in asking this, and I know a few people already have. But do you have an updated timing for the release of the next update? Or can we still expect it by the end of the day today. The Christmas update post said 15-20 January assuming that nobody in the dev team gets sick or misses time, so I was just wondering if that's still accurate. Thanks for the hard work!

I know that quite a few people ask when the next update is, and it can get quite annoying. However, I'm sure everyone is curious. Doesn't have to be an exact date, but do you have a general timeline? Anywhere from a couple of days, to weeks, to months, etc. I saw you say somewhere it'll be ready when it's ready, but I was hoping for something just a little bit more specific?

Hey! I've been playing the game for a while and really enjoyed it, particularly some of the latest updates. I'm not sure if I've run into an issue, or if the content simply hasn't been added to the game yet and I'm all caught up. I'm currently playing the lastest version of the game (0.14.2), and I've been trying to interact with Ada and Ash, however when I try talking to them in the morning at the camp it won't let me, and if I try talking to Ada later in the day at the ODM Grounds I get some generic dialogue where she says we aren't friends and I was too busy talking to the other girls. Am I missing something? Or is content with both girls simply something that hasn't been added yet? Furthermore, I have a blank spot in my book, on the far right the second row down. I'm assuming this is for either Ada or Ash, however I'm not sure since it's blacked out. Another question that I wanted to ask was regarding the night watch system. It's apparent that this is something that you will be able to do with every girl, since when you click on their heart in the book it mentions it. I'm assuming this is also something that hasn't been added to the game yet but will come in a future update?