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A member registered Jul 08, 2022

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Nothing to do. I tried to delete and download again the whole file, but the problem persists. I was wandering whether it could be a problem with tyranogame files? I remember I had some issues when I first download the game on Microsoft Edge...

Yes, I passed all the rolls while studying the six topics. Still the MC keep panicking during the weekend. Sometimes I make him study the same topics more than once (also with high rolls), but it does not change anything. Maybe it is an installation problem?

And yes, I have already unlocked all the Auntie and Tina spanking scenes after the third week (I think)... ;) Looking forward to the next additions and improvements (and, in second chapter, to the piano lessons with Madame Tremont, if I understood well some hints scattered in the game...!)

I found a possible bug (or maybe I missed something) concerning the exams at school: I keep studying all 6 topics for the written test before Monday (taking note of them during classes and receiving confirmation from Greta) but, during the test, it is like I had studied nothing during the week. I can only get 6 if I am lucky enough to copy from Greta without being noticing by the teacher, and all other dialogue options with Ms. Schumann are blocked.

By the way, I am enthralled by the spanking scenes of this game: I have been spending so much time trying to figure out how to unlock all of them...!