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A member registered Oct 08, 2015 · View creator page →

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If I'm not mistaken, the reporting is only mandatory for asset packs at the moment, right? Will games and other projects have mandatory AI disclosure at some point in the future?


That's rot13, a cipher that I use whenever I post spoilers on here.

I might do something TTT-related soon… we’ll see!

Yes, but it’s hard.

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That's it for the ending! And thanks for the kind words!

Rot 13: lbh zbir n ybg va 14,8 hagvy lbh frr fbzrguvat gung yrgf lbh znxr cebterff.

As far as I can tell, this is your graphics driver failing to compile the fragment shader. It *could* be an issue of your GL driver throwing an error when it encounters "precision mediump float;", which is there for GLES compatability but is supposed to do nothing with regular GL. I suppose it would be best to remove that line when not using GLES, but I don't know if that would fix your problem or not.

What OS/version is your PC?

Good question. I mean there might be a re-release of this game with a more powerful level editor at some point, and there might not.

Probably not. Maybe in a future release.

Thanks for the kind words!
Here are some ROT13 hints:

tbng+xrl: gnxr gur ebpx va gur gbc zvqqyr naq chfu vg evtug gb trg bire gur jnyy. Lbh'yy arrq gb qb fbzr shaxl fghss jvgu chfuvat gur abgrf nebhaq.

tbng+sver+fvmr: Lbh pna chfu qbja n cncre gb rssrpgviryl qbhoyr gur nzbhag bs fcnpr lbh unir gb pnfr fvmr.

tbng+syvc+sybjre: Hfr sybjref gb oernx guebhtu gur hccre evtug jnyyf. Lbh nyfb arrq gb qb n ybg bs uneq guvatf gung vaibyir jnyxvat ba ebpxf sbe gur eha va trareny.

there’s going to be a sequel with a slightly different format, but it’ll have the same spell casting mechanics.

Rot 13: Hfr xrl nf yvggyr nf cbffvoyr orsber lbh trg gb gur gbc yrsg pbeare.

Rot13: Onfvpnyyl, hafuevax vagb n jnyy. Lbh pna qb guvf ol hafuevaxvat va whfg gur evtug fcbg.

rot13: Nyy jnec pbasyvpgf fraq lbh svir ebbzf hc. Vs gur ebbz svir ebbzf hc qbrfa’g rkvfg, gura lbh trg frag gb 4,4 vafgrnq, orpnhfr 404 vf gur reebe pbqr jura n jrocntr vfa’g sbhaq.

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Whfg gung nern.

You can if you know how to use your browser’s developer tools. IIRC, the relevant files are “index.html”, “index.js”, “index.wasm”, and “”

Hm... I honestly don't know if it would be worth it to go back into the codebase and spend time making all the changes needed to selectively re-enable old behavior. I'd recommend ownloading the game files and corrupting them if you want glitchy behavior.

About 80% or so. I have some ideas I'm pretty confident in.

I'm planning on writing some blog posts about game programming soon...

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there is *a* secret in the ending, but it doesn’t involve free movement. (Though the above screenshot alread shows what the secret is.)

SDL2 and my C++ engine, mainly.

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update: I forgot that it was upgraded to win 10, but it still doesn’t work on it despite having an OpenGL 3.0 driver. I’ll try debugging it further when I have time.


They're supposed to persist through undo.

Is there something specific you have to do to trigger the bug? What browser and browser version are you using?

Are there any bugs you've encountered specifically? What system (and version of said system) are you on, how did you trigger the bug, etc.

I keep meaning to upload my game OSTs to Youtube, but haven't gotten around to it. Hopefully soon.

I didn't even test it on Windows 7. I have a *really* old machine I could check if I have time. My guess is that your system doesn't natively support OpenGL 3.0 rendering and also doesn't support OpenGL 2.0 ES rendering. There's also a very real possibility that I'm not doing something correctly.

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That's cheese, but it's 90% intentional cheese.

I’m thinking about a sequel. We’ll see…

rot13: Gur vagraqrq fbyhgvba unf gur ebpxf va gur zvqqyr pbaarpg sebz gur pragre gb gur yrsg nern. Sebz gurer, lbh trg gur gbc yrsg fgne, gura gbc evtug sbyybjf sebz gung.

My main concern is that importing a level into the game could trigger some obscure bug which crashes the game and/or ruins your save file. If I implement modding, l’ll probably design a “boot loader” which A) enables game modifications, B) allows you to clear your save file, and C) runs before the rest of the game does.

Probably not here. I might do them for a sequel, or maybe the third game in this series. I suppose I could add SUPER basic level importing support to this one.

I do agree that bush is a "broken" spell that feels trivially easy. Maybe that could be justified as a way to give beginners an easy way to get a clear if it were slightly easier to reach, but people have said that the bush orb was too hard to get. Maybe I'll add a hint about that. Good point about the fog of war as well; I might add in a "disable fog" option in gameplay settings.

As for your questions:

1. how do you design this type of multipurpose level?

Mostly, lots of iteration, i.e. repeatedly changing and re-designing things until it's in a place I'm happy with. It's mostly a matter of putting in a lot of time, but it's also about having a lot of goals/constraints while also being willing to try and re-work a lot of things.

2. did you design the spells around the level or vice-versa?

It's hard to answer this question. I think a lot more tweaking/iteration went into the level design than the spells, so I guess it's a case of spells influencing the level? There are much fewer "levers to pull" (i.e. stuff that can be changed) in the spells than the level, so it makes sense to have the level adapt to the spells.

3. are all of the trophies intentional, or did some just happen to be possible so you included them?

Mostly, I just designed the level and figured out what trophies were possible. I suppose that the trophies also influenced the level design, especially once the set of "minimal trophies" were locked in.

Nope! Also, I’m not sure how you’re able to freely move about in there. That should be impossible.

Truth be told, I don't know why it isn't. I might look into it if I have time...

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It isn’t.

I've been thinking about making some sort of sequel. We'll see!