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Kevin Salimbeni

A member registered Mar 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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You can try the alpha here, Download at the bottom of the page!

After 3 months I am finally back with the barebones of the system, it's still missing some pieces but it's coming along nicely!

So far this is where I am at

 Core Loop  ✅
 Gen III Pokedex  ✅
 Gen III Moves  ⚒️ - I am missing some battle effects
 Inventory & Items  ⚒️ - Poke balls cannot be used ATM as I'm still scripting the types of battles
 Party System  ✅
 Settings  ⚒️ - So far there are 2 Gen damage calculation formulas & dialogue speed options
Particle Effects  ⚒️ -  This is the most daunting part, i have some VFX but they are yet to be implemented

I am quite ahead of time, so I've figured I will add an overworld too, i just started working on it! :D

Please keep in mind this is still an alpha version, so there are some bugs here and there

Many moves don't have any effect  ⚒️ - They are yet to be implemented (damaging moves work tho)
Some moves may have the wrong target set  ⚒️ - Working with Unity made me build my own tools, so I'll catch those pretty easily
Model scaling  ⚒️ - Some models are huge while some are too small (Wailord & Wurmple)
Moves don't update sometimes  ⚒️ - This has to do with the way i rewire pokemons after switching them (it only happens with pokemons with                    only 3 moves out of 4)
Status Effects ⚒️ - End of turn statuses dont trigger if the opponent pokemon faints, this is due to a change of state during                     battle
 Damage Calculation  ⚒️ - Kinda feels off at the moment

And i also have a roadmap for how to deal with all of these things plus the other features I am planning to add

Overworld  ⚒️ - Started with the character controller and some interactions, very basic at the moment
NPCs  ⚒️ - Kind of likely to happen, maybe simple ones
Encounters  ⚒️ - Got to wait before i sort out the overworld structure
Trainers  ⚒️ - Got to wait before i sort out the overworld structure
World Items  ⚒️ - Among the easiest to implement
 Houses  ⚒️ - Likely to happen, got to wait before i sort out the overworld structure
Poke Centers  ⚒️ - Likely to happen, got to wait before i sort out the overworld structure

Hi all, i'm currently developing a custom editor that let's you prettify the hierarchy window in unity engine.

It simply adds a custom label to a GameObject with a given identifier.

ie. if the identifier is `>`, each gameobject with the game that starts with it in your hierarchy will be customized.

you can find the project here!

Here are some features:

Hi everyone, im here to announce that i am starting to develop a framework to make games like pokemon for Unity3D, it will feature all the main feature of the series. as of for now im in the middle of the battle system and im preparing to develop the overworld navigation as well as the encounter feature.

feel free to check out the demo here:

Have a sneak peak at the system:

i don't think i understand 😅

Fixed the issue 😅, apparently editing a theme with a dark theme plugin in chrome is something you shouldn't do ahahah

Thank you! :)

i'm sorry, i just added it! Sorry for the inconvinience.

(1 edit)

You can try out the demo for my tool here!

If you are interested you can buy the tool for only 2 euros here!

This tool offers a wide range of adjustment, such as size, n of floors, customizable tiles, offsets, player and comes with a script that spawns enemies on a give tilemap!

This is a Dungeon Generator for Unity 2D, It comes with a playable example scene.

Customize the rooms to be a square or random;
 You can change the size of the rooms or the distance between them;
 The floor/corridor/topWall/bottomWall tilemap accept an array of tiles, making the dungeon even more unique; 
 At the start the algorithm spawns the player and the end point inside the dungeon; 
 You can also choose the offset of the dungeon. You can spawn enemies on a given tilemap (the floor for example), check the example scene!


Hi, thank you very much, I look forward in seeing the projects that will use my scripts! :)

Thank you for this awesome font! I'm currently using it in my open source project here!

Let me know what you think :)

Hi, I'm using your sprites in my project here, you're fully credited :)