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A member registered May 20, 2022

Recent community posts

Hi hilander, I have another question. The merchant's ability "apprise" let him know the exact price of an item. Does it means that a non merchant character can't tell the price of an item?

When a character gains a new level, he gets the "next chapter" of a tale of his choice.

What does "next chapter" means?

For example, if I have a first level duelist and he levels up (and want to go to the merchant class), I get the first or the second chapter of the merchant class?

I hope I helped in some ways. I'll wait for the updates, then.

Thanks again for this game, I really like it 

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Thank you very much for your answer.

So, if I understand correctly, if the party wants to recruit a follower or a specialist, they must roll 2d6: if the total exceed their reputation, the recruit them; if not, they recruit them anyway but the reputation drops 2 points down. Is it correct? Or the reputation rule is used only for organizations and npc different from hirelings/specialists?

What happens if the reputation drops to 0? They can't recruit of ask help anymore?

PS: I think I'll use this game to run my future campaigns, I really like it. Can't wait to read future zines

(1 edit)

Hil Hilander, can you help me with these final doubts?

What is the starting reputation level? How it increases? When it refers to npcs help, it means that this mechanism is used to recruit hirelings?

Hi, congrats for Shadow and Fae, I'm really in love with it.

I have some questions:

- the rule for recovering Hope with resting is only in the referee screen but not in the manual

- monster save are explained only in the referee screen but not in the manual

- how thief recovers luck points?

- the party sheet mentions reputation, but I can't find it explained anywhere 

do you have a release date for the game?

If I preorder the expanded version on Feral Indie Studio webstore, I also get the PDF version?

Will the expanded version be system neutral?