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A member registered May 20, 2018

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Ok, very well, I was just curious if at some point in the future it was part of your plans. Thanks for the answer! Hope you are feeling good.

Wow, great as always LimeZu. Are we going to have other fruits and plants, for those wanting to do small farming sims?

Amazing additions as always!

Great additions in all these updates, looking forward to see what you bring us next.

Yay! That's great news, really happy for your recovery!

I hope you are getting better. Get proper rest and not rush trying to come back faster. Let your recovery be the correct way to not have lingering issues later on.

This is amazing.

🎉 Really nice work as always!!

Ohh, yes sir. I’m pretty sure this is going to be great.

P.S.: That art for Riot Games looks very cool too.


Good luck on your new gig. This sneak peek of Exteriors looks extremely good, as expected.

Could we nudge you into releasing it "as-is" in its current state as a sorts of pre-alpha?. I'd pay for it, heck i'd pay for a blank project file from you, everybody knows that you'll deliver after those 400 updates. ;)

I believe those are in the Hospital Theme.
1_Interiors -> YxY -> Theme_Sorter... -> 19_Hospital..

Incredible work you've done. Excited to see what you'll bring us next with the Modern Exteriors.

Wow. Great work as always LimeZu.

Definitely a well deserved break. Your commitment to this is an inspiration.

(3 edits)

Very nice, everything looks good. 

(1 edit)

Nice! Been looking forward to this.

One thing though: the chef hat sprites are cut off on the bottom for the run animation sprites, they should also be the same height as the other rows (twice the width of each individual sprite) with the blank space for where the rest of the body (head+outfit) should go.  (I added the missing blank space manually for my tests).

(1 edit)

This makes me real excited! You have done such a great work with the Modern Interiors pack, will definitely buy one for Modern Exteriors.