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A member registered Mar 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for bringing this demo to us. I spend three hours with it. I like the graphics and the character's mimi ... everything really. I look forward to enjoy the full novel when available. I found a single thing early on. The title on the book shown has an error in the title:  it says Eangue rather than Sangue.  :-)

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A beautiful, beautiful story. I also like the general artwork and how the characters look. Thank you for this gem. This include everyone involved. I have only played to "End 3" and I love this one. I hate when 'monsters' are the bad guys by default.

'Interestingly, in my second book series, The Adventures of Julia Wand, Julia's love for life is called Evie. She is such a sweet thing.

It takes training to cope with the world, and still, sometimes it just doesn't work. And that is okay.

I played First Snow for what seems a long time ago. Now I look forward to play through Twofold.

I'm looking forward to hear from you!

Do you have more story (sketch) for Rebirth?

Eriqa Queen at itch

SUPER! This is the most anticipated update I'm waiting for!

Don't say 'sorry', things are as they are and so are we. Your projects with all the people involved must be very stressful. I really don't like social media and I stay mostly to myself. I think, I can relate. I was simply wondering how your projects are doing.
All the best!

Hello, dear. I would very much like to hear how your projects are doing!

We have made an audio book (not visual novel) from the text in an e-book with Google Books Partner Center and their AI voices. The audio book contains 13 voices. You can download the audio, but the e-book must be published on Google Books before you can use it to create the audio book. They are pretty good (but not perfect), and the title would not have been published as an audio book if not for those. There is an audio sample when you follow the link.

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First, it is called a VISUAL novel, so voices are ‘just’ a bonus to the overall experience.
Voices are good IF there are talented actors, otherwise it will ‘pull down’ in the experience and people will turn them off.
It can be a challenge to pick the right voice, as it needs to match the character and be clear in its expression… just like written text.
If there is much speech, it will be expensive to add voices which includes workload. If there is only a little speech, will it add much to the VN?
In my VNs I do not use voices because I have many characters and much dialogue.

All the best!

Thanks. The installation works. I have just played it for a few minutes (I have other things to tend to right now), but can't seem to SAVE.

An error when downloading/installing from within itch: "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined".

Thanks for responding, Nikolaos.

I did play the first one, "Alice", so I got the 'full' story. I will make a donation for that one as well.

It is so interesting (in any way) times, we are living in!


Nice ending, Nik.

I couldn't install via itch client, but could un-zip and run the exe-file.

The whole story has the basis for adding even more content because the 'feelings' runs so deep.

I truly like your work.

All the best,


I enjoyed the VN and wrote a brief comment 188 days ago. After the update I played it again with voices, and it has certainly gained by adding those! Thanks for the effort in updating the novel.

Under "More information" the status says "In development", is this correct?

Leila's voice fits the fox perfectly!

I surely like the voice of Serena! Looking forward to hear Leila!

Working after uninstalling/installing!

After updating, and later reinstall, I get the error: "Failed to initialize player. Details: Failed to load PlayerSettings (initial index #0). Most likely data file is corrupted, or built with mismatching editor and platform support versions."

When I find the 'time' and mood, I'll play it again!

That is quite alright. It was more a note than anything, but if we don't get the notes, we might not know. :D

Will not install with/through itch, but can be downloaded (directly), unzipped and run. I haven't started playing the game yet.

Please Be Happy community · Created a new topic THANKS!

My first play-through is 25 hours and 72%. I took my time to enjoy this wonderful story. Great work, so thanks to all involved. I really like the water-colour like graphics. My favorite character is Juliet.

I'm glad I picked the Aspen path first, because I feel the Julia path is the most fulfilling. I have now finished 95% and been in the novel for 39 hours!

Thank you for the fixes! ❤

Thanks. I found them here:

%USERPROFILE%\itch-player-622dbdf4\AppData\LocalLow\Studio Élan\Please Be Happy\Screenshots

Yes, I know the button, but it doesn't react.

The folder \Studio Élan\ wasn't at the suggested place

BUT I found it here:

%USERPROFILE%\itch-player-622dbdf4\AppData\LocalLow\Studio Élan\Please Be Happy\Screenshots

So, thank you, Adirosa.

I really enjoy the story.

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Where are the screen shots saved in Windows? The "Open Folder" botton doesn't work.

Where are the screen shots saved on Windows?

The DEMO contains the first five chapters.

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The DEMO contains the first five chapters when first added so they are not polished into the final ones. It is only minute changes, so it will not prevent you from getting an over all feeling of the novel.

What is happening with the full novel? I enjoyed this prelude on Steam.

Thanks dear!

Thank you for a beautiful story!

A beautiful, cute and also deep story about lonelyness and rare friendship! Thank you!

I see the zip file only contain files for PC. The publisher should remove the "apple" icon, indicating the game is for mac too.

The Soul of the White Dragon as VN was released yesterday. It contains the whole text, so my initial concern of the large word count, made me do it in one release anyway.

Even with the 1920x1080 size, the zipped size is well under 100 MB. There is a little over 120 images. I have added a 'normal' size font file, and a large font file to show Chinese characters/glyphs.

Please download, "play" and comment, so I have some feedback to work with.

If you have the time/energy, you could give it a free try and maybe write me a few words of what you think about the story and also my first attempt in making a kinetic VN, now it is published in full.

Thanks for the comment, dear.

I had only discovered this format recently, and found it appealing. I had my concern of turning 59,000 words into a VN, I was also concerned about the amount of the MB of graphics it would hold. Initially I decided to turn it into five parts, Now that I know the approx. amount, I will put it all in one novel.

I am still learning this programming stuff, and even how to work with images. I play/read NV on a 1920x1080 monitor, and "all" of them seems to be made for 1280x720. When in full screen the characters get blurred and that 'irritates' me. That is why I chose the larger resolution. I don't know how this resolution works  on a smartphone/tablet, I have some problems generating the files for android.

I expect to price the NVs as the e-books.

All the best to you, and again, thanks for taking the time to comment!