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A member registered Oct 27, 2018

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Wait, so is the planet disabling only for the public build? If not I don't really see the point of doing it.

So I need to start over. Great. I'm sure that any choices I make now will also fuck me over in future chapters that are not out yet and I will need to start over multiple times.

Is getting shot in chapter 4 an unavoidable game over if you take the dragon path or will chapter 5 continue from there?

While I still disagree with you I can see where you are coming from and I'm sorry for being snappy.

Oh, I'm sorry for giving you the same response you gave someone else.

Cute I like it.

Cinna just tell the poor boy, the hints aren't working.

And maybe you should read the tutorial.

Love the game but I really wish it had controller support. Mostly because I suck with keyboards.