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Ernest Toh

A member registered Oct 02, 2022

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100% Walkthrough:

sure np

enter the hidden entrance

1. Lighter Fuel - Manor Dining Room, connect the naked man statue to naked woman statue

2. Empty Lighter - Manor Crypt, bottom left bottom (Mysterious Key required)


1. skeletons chained to the wall (when they're still in the dungeon)

2. on a sofa on the 3rd floor (when they're in the Safe Room)

go to the Rooftop, then jump down and land on here

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1 Push this bookshelf in Manor Living Room and enter the hidden entrance

2. Open the door in Secret Stairwell

sure thing, pick up the axe next to the lockers in Room 205 (Master Key required)

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All 5 Keys Location

1 Master Key

Location: Rooftop (Ladder required, solve The Seven Deadly Sins puzzle in Manor Attic)

Unlocks: Room 201 till 206 except Room 204

2 Omnious Key


1. After completing "Damsel In Distess", go to Manor Dining Room, wait for the blue key to appear, 

2. Then, go behind the manor and pick up.

Unlocks: Manor Dungeon (push the bookshelf in Manor Living Room to reveal the entrance to Secret Stairwell)

3 Blood Key

Location: Manor Frontyard (behind the forest gates, top right corner)

Unlocks: Maze Entrance (Gasstop)

4 Bone Key

Location: Manor Main Hall - Automatically available after completing "Shining In The Darkness" quest, the man statue

Unlocks: Manor Attic (access from Manor Upstairs)

5 Mysterious Key

Location: Manor Upstairs - push glass display cases right to left

Unlocks: Manor Crypt

Manor Courtyard, behind the gates, you can go through a broken fence. It's at the top right corner

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(press the buttons according to the sequence)

1 Pride - pompous man

2 Greed - four skeletons playing cards and smoking cigars with a pile of money on the table

3 Lust - beautiful red head. She kinda reminds me of someone...

4 Envy - two women, one with small breasts and one with large breasts

5 Gluttony - an obese man with a bunch of food scattered around

6 Wrath - a man screaming

7 Sloth - a man resting while the others are cleaning the stables