Thank you for your words!
And no, the main character doesn't really die.
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Claro, puedes escribirme a mi correo ( o a donde gustes, que te leeré y responderé sin problemas.
Como siempre digo, me hace muy feliz ver que a alguien le gustó tanto mis novelas, así que cada comentario y muestra de interés me anima mucho a la par que me hace sentir que valió la pena invertir todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo en hacerlas. Por lo que, de nuevo, vuelvo a darte las gracias a ti.
Me alegra muchísimo que disfrutes tanto mis juegos, me hace muy muy feliz.
Lo que dices del orden, creo que cada juego se puede disfrutar de forma independiente (a excepción de Koko y Reiko). Aunque sí, si quieres seguir la "subtrama secreta", creo que lo mejor sería seguir el orden de publicación de mis novelas. Es algo que me han mencionado más de una vez, y quizás deba de aclarar un poco más (perdón por eso).
Respecto a VoD, no sé si lo mencioné en otro comentario o algo (tengo mala memoria y ya hace mucho que no hablo de mis obras), pero ese tercer final aleatorio no es el único secreto o curiosidad. En varios de mis juegos hay diálogos aleatorios que hacen referencia a eventos de otros personajes, el mundo, o hasta un "easter egg" como homenaje a una difunta mascota de una amiga.
Siempre intento darle un poco de detalles o referencias ocultas a los diálogos y escenarios, ¡así que me hace feliz que te hayas tomado la molestia de encontrar todos!
Y no te preocupes por escribir todo lo que quieras aquí o donde gustes, siempre leo y contesto con mucho gusto a todo el mundo.
Una vez más, gracias por los ánimos y por jugar a mis obras. 🤍 ^^
It's already been two years since I started making games, eh? Time has flown by!
I know that Reiko's ending is not to everyone's liking. And in fact this has made me wonder several times if I should do some kind of remake of Koko's whole story. I really don't know if one day I'll decide to remake my first games applying everything I've been learning. But that possibility is never zero.
At the moment I'm afraid my priority is to slowly get back into the habit of drawing and writing, as for personal reasons I've been unable to do anything for several months now.
I often had the feeling that my adventure in creating visual novels had come to an end. But, I hope that I can continue to create characters and stories that will stay in the memories of more people!
Thank you very much for your words. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. 🤍
Comments like yours are some of the best rewards I've got for my games.
PS: That feeling of melancholy has been said to me several times, and as I always reply, it's not intentional. But if I had to give a reason for it, it's because I always try to put a bit of my soul into what I do. So it's something completely unintentional or unconscious (although I obviously like it)!
I make my drawings, interface, and scenarios with Photoshop, and I export them in PNG format. But you can draw in any program you feel comfortable with. The rest is a matter of animating the parts by programming them.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by your question, but if I can help you, you can send me a message on my Twitter. (@eroraen)
In several of my previous games, I had ideas for some design or scenes that perhaps didn't quite fit the tone (either erotic or gore). So I just avoided those parts a bit. Now, more or less, I know how to do that kind of "censorship" as an optional thing, I hope it will give me more creative freedom in the future. I also didn't expect anyone to use the screenshot function. In fact, I don't even remember it exists. So I never actually tested it, haha. :P
I realized that many of my endings are always very tragic or pessimistic. That's why I wanted to do something more "nice" this time, or pleasant. Although in Sumire's case, I don't know whether to consider it a bad or a good ending. I originally wanted to add more endings to each character, and make a route for Manami too. As well as being able to search for more items to unlock interactions, secret routes, and even some extra characters. But, it was starting to be too much work for me, at a time when I couldn't dedicate so much time to this.
The reason why Seiichi doesn't show his eyes, is to represent that he is traumatized and hurt, as you say, because he probably won't stop crying. (Regardless of the ending in Reiko). Originally, Lirius was to be an additional character. In fact, I think I left her sprite as a character (both censored and uncensored) in the files. She was supposed to be a monster that you could kill to advance in the cave, or with whom you could dialogue, depending on the items you had. This is something I discarded in order to shorten the length of the development a little more.
Someone told me that he had a Ren'py error with Rebeca as well. In fact, she can intentionally throw a Ren'py crash. It's not a bug, as it's actually a simple picture. In all my testing, though, I've never had a crash or bug in that regard, so if it's not the picture I programmed, it could be something that never happened to me, or the will of Rebeca herself. (Which would be perfect). 🎀
Thank you very much for your comment and feedback. I'm always happy when someone shares their experience and thoughts about my games. I know they're not perfect, but still, I hope you had a nice time with them! Thank you so much. :)
They are all the protagonists of my previous visual novels.
Koko and Seiichi are the main characters of "Koko" (the first game) and "Reiko" (the second game). Rebeca and Daniel are the main characters of "Dear Rebeca".
And this easter egg or secret route is a continuation of both Rebeca and Reiko's ending.
When you start a new game, and you type the name Daniel, there is a slight interaction. Also, when writing the name of the doll Rivká, if you name her with some names from my previous games, there is 1 small reference to them.
Hello! Now that I more or less know how to apply optional censorship, I think it might give me a bit more freedom for some scenes. (Whether it's nudity, blood or anything else). As for adding something ARG, I would like to do it when I come up with something interesting and fun to solve. But these are elements that I always keep in mind.
And I'm glad you liked this game too! Thank you :)
After you get the book, visit Manami's shop and at some point she will call you and tell you what to do.
This gives you access to the puzzle that unlocks the secret ending, although there is no credits screen that says "Secret Ending", but it does unlock pictures. (And once you finish the game with the secret done, and start a new game, you can repeat it up to 2 more times).
It seems we've both pondered topics like that on occasion, haha. (And that makes me happy!)
One of my main goals, as I have said many times, was to make stories or characters that I have always liked to imagine, with themes that I like and to add something of my own essence to them. I still have a number of ideas, themes, stories and characters that I would like to capture in due course. So I hope that if I get to make them, you will enjoy it as much as I did making them.
Thank you very much for your comment. 🎀