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A member registered Mar 03, 2021

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Oh Thank goodness, someone thought the same. The character's one dimensional personalities really put me off but I wanted to give it a chance since its still a demo. And I can see where you're coming from with the conflicting art designs, even though its pretty to look at, they dont really mesh well together unfortunately.

Another solid game! Well, demo really but still.

To be honest, I wasn't really interested in the story right up until the end where the other spirits are discussing some sort of shift. Now thats more like it! Although I really hope our protagonist doesn't end up being the standard Chosen One, I'm a bit tired of reading that trope. 

As for the characters, weelll..they didn't really leave that much of an impression except for the spirits and the mayor. I'm hoping this is only the case since it's still a very short demo but there's definitely a lot of potential here. For me, the weakest impression was from Hunter, nothing stood out. But, still surprisingly he's my favorite (I guess I'm just weak to gentle buff guys)

Looking forward to see where you're going with this plot, I hope the protagonist herself gets some development since she seems a bit generic so far (her design is adorable though)

Lots of love XOXO

Ok *cracks neck and fingers*


      - By far, the humor and comedic timing is a huge part of what makes this enjoyable, a few of the references are a bit niche like 'The Room' (that was amazing btw) but it's well worth it since for me every joke landed (Sebastian is my spirit animal). Hats off to the programmer too, the close-ups and effects as well as the music timing made it hilarious, it feels as if I'm watching an anime episode instead of a visual novel! 

       - Lots of diverse background Cg's, the expression especially the Dad's comedic ones are well incorporated, I can tell he's going to be a great comic relief character.  The characters themselves are very quirky and impressionable so they're easy to remember.

Things I think could be improved (I'm nit-picky when it comes to games ihhhh feel free to ignore this)

       - A glossary could be added? I've noticed a lot of local terms, it would be cool to have the option to click on the word then a short explanation appears. For cebuano dialogue, its nice to add the english translation beside it, for example uhm " Napo Kuwang! (Ten seats left!)" I tried. And for the food like empanada, puto cheese (I don't blame you Rex), etc etc, It would be fun to have small illustration pop up like the love letter Rex's father gave him. Though, judging from how much food Sebastian mentions this will be a pain lol, its cool if you only illustrate the puto cheese since Rex is obssessed with it.

       - The only thing I have an issue with is the name text for the characters being too small and in an easily blended color, its hard to read but thanks to the character's personalities I didn't have much trouble identifying who was saying what, still it would be nice to make their names bigger and a lighter color (maybe white or yellow), also there were a few minor spelling mistakes.

Additional: It would be fun to have Rex's mother pose with different weapo- i mean household items whenever she scolds them for more comedic effect. For example her sprite could be holding a broomstick one day then a hanger the next, then a belt and so on (you get the picture kdsjk) It could also be fun for the viewer since it makes them wonder 'what is she gonna pull out next?' but yeah, this one is very time consuming but its just a thought i wanted to share

Overall, I can tell the creators really put a lot of love and effort into this ;') Rex is cool laidback guy and I like watching him interact with everyone. For now, there isn't much action and notable choices which I get since its a demo so I'm looking forward to see more progress, plot and action-wise. And I love the premise, it's always nice to see your culture get explored (I'm working on my own visual novel and its also set in Visayas - but its pre-colonial) I hope you continue making the game! Lots of love XOXOXO If you need more beta testers I'd be happy to help!

Keep up the good work! We're all cheering you on 馃挄馃挄馃挄 Omg I wish I was as productive as you.

Hey again Ciel!

Ooohhhhh I'm actually interested in making some fanart and posting it, what hashtags should I use? I wanna credit you and leave a link to the game too.

I cant believe you're almost halfway finished with the pages, Congratz! And yes, I can relate to finding all that spa stuff tedious. As long as you have a healthy diet and lifestyle you wont have to pay so much for beauty products or at least thats what I think. Goodluck on leveling up from a couch potato! - from a fellow couch potato

Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! I didn't expect such a detailed answer to be honest so I'm touched you took the time to explain things more. I'll definitely look those up, again thanks a bunch! XXX

(4 edits)

I played the first game and loved it to bits and stumbled upon this demo shortly after. I think it was about a year or two years ago?  I usually forget the visual novel games I play but this one stuck with me because of how unique the concept was. I remember being so invested in the story and happy that I got to see another legend/folklore based game that isn't about Europe, Japan, Korea or China.

And I adore how much character the love interests have. It's rare to find well developed characters in an indie game but here it is. Finding this game again and discovering that it's not abandoned really made my day, thank you so much! I wish I could support you on Patreon but I'm just a broke college student :') 

(It's cute how Arya gives off the "must protect" vibe. He's like the youngest child in the family although Guntur is my personal favorite. Reliable, a family man and wont hesitate to set me straight what can i say? plus he's a hunk bwahha.)

Keep up the good work! You've inspired me to start writing my own visual novel based on Philippine Folklore, Although I know next to nothing about programming, Can I ask what programs and tools you're using? I hope to hear from you again soon! XXX

Questions (idk if this has been asked before): Do the cast have any personal philosophies and moral codes they follow?  Do they consider themselves to be currently happy?