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A member registered Sep 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Drat, my version of glibc is too old. :-(

Thank you.

Thanks, I was wondering what else had to be done.

Could you make a Linux build? It's not that difficult; just click the "export" button in the Godot editor.

While that sounds good, it's unlikely to happen. For one, the VCS has a small install base. It also looks unlikely for Atari (or whoever owns the brand now) will be updating the VCS that often. For another, I made this game as part of a game jam, and didn't really intend to develop it further. Just to make it into a full game would be quite an undertaking, and I have other concerns at the moment.

Thank you for your suggestion.

This looks really cool. Any chances of this being ported to other platforms?

Thank you.

I made a game that uses your wonderful fire bullets.

Thanks for commenting.

I thought I should have made the hitboxes a bit bigger. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the comment. I got the art mainly from Open Game Art and here on Itch (I'll be adding sources soon). I would have put in damage sounds, but I didn't have enough time.

Thank you, glad you like it. I guess I should have gone for a different key/button, such as the left mouse button.

Duly noted, Daniel.