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A member registered Jan 07, 2021

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Not my thing but I thought the wife looked nice.

Oh my God, I know this game. I fuckin’ knew it!

I wish I could have screenshots of the werewolf. I’d have him as my pfp.

LOL you guys seriously added parkour elements that don’t even work properly

i dont like it


he meant hamachi, an app for simulating LAN over a VPN

I see someone played Rack 2. =)

Било би најбоље ако би у следећој верзији додао листу достигнућа (оборених авиона), додатна оружја (на пример, ракетни лансер који може да се закључа на авион, тако да нетреба циљати самостално, или против-ваздушни топ).

Осим тога, допада ми се игра и драго ми је што сам коначно имао шансу да је пробам.

Super. Probao sam igru i bilo mi je zabavno. Ali sam inače koristio moj novi kompjuter pa je bilo bez problema. Najviše oborio 62 aviona.

Најс, хвала

Хвала на одговору. Користим виндовс десетку на ХП 15 ТС. Да ли можда знаш које су потребе за игру? нпр. .НЕТ или тако нешто, можда ми то фали па зато неће да батали.

Иначе користим Минт 20.3 као под-систем (дуалбут), али не верујем да је радило преко WINE.

Здраво, немогу започети игру. Кад год желим да играм, заустави се учитавање на 90% и игра ће се затворити ако је кликнем.

Wish the game did not lag so much. Good nevertheless.
(I've already lowered the resolution, but at that point it can still get slower and things are barely visible.)

- Playing on Linux Mint 20.3

It looks good, but the game is super slow for me and the audio shreds my ears. Also a lot of lighting because of the same speed. If you're on an older PC - save yourself from epilepsy.

You're welcome! I didn't know you'd respond that early. I found it by just looking at the credits.

As for the last part in my original comment, I thought like I was a sort of commander defending my humble home from extraterrestrial invaders. It was thrilling, but it got a bit boring as things got repetitive. I'd love if there was a downloadable version sometime soon.

I love the game. Is there a downloadable soundtrack? I'd love to listen to this theme over and over. A simple game like this one gives me a multitude of emotions.