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A member registered Feb 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi sorry about that. It was for a Gamejam were on of the possible constraints was to go HUDless. I am working on a complete overhaul of the game. with way more mechanics. 

thanks you for the feedback. I agree in retrospect I should have made the game a little faster. I do hope I ca work more on this project though 

Hahahah sorry about the male character beating the female character. The Goal was to represent the way some people view people of other genders as having it better and are trying to put them down

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately i didnt make the sprites myself 

The game was so cool. The graphics are really beautiful and the concept is so nice. The story progressed with ease and gave a sense of progression and hope. 

the game is mind blowing. Im stuck on level 2 though. I got the camera moving but i cant seem to get anywhere after that. But seriously WOW. Awesome concept 

I agree. I'm regretting not making the character run.  Hopefully i can keep this game alive even after the gamejam and make a better version. Thanks for the kind words.

Click the play button after you die. it takes you back to the start of level 4. ;) Thanks for the Feedback. Honestly between working fulltime i did not get the time to code much. An i was to scared to get into a team initially with the fear of letting my team down 


If you would like to play an HTMl version click on the lInk Below

Amazing. Love the Increasing difficulty. Very Challenging 

Loved the feel of the game. highly nostalgic. the art work is so cool IMO