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A member registered May 20, 2024

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please remove the limit of countries that can take part

hi i love this game so much but i do have some suggestions for the game.

 think it would be more fun if instead of having good scouts deciding how good you will do. it would be more fun when you as the HOD decide how good you do. like you can choose different tactics to create a good entry rather then just having good scouts. cause right now it's olften really difficult to qualify with bad scouts or difficult not to win when you have good scouts.

these are my ideas to create a more realistic tacitical game

1. when i'll go internal that i can choose My song for example:

- Artist (like what kind of artist you send, and a good scouts could atract more famous or more talented artist)

- Genre (here you can choose what genre you send, it could infulence how good juries and public will rate you, but it's also important to choose the right song with your artist)

- feel of the song (like is it an intimate song with intimate feeling or is it just a schlager song with just fun meaningless lyrics)

And when i go National selection i can't decide these things myself but i gotta hope for the best. i would also like if you have to pay for a national selection. but for example a NF like Czechia has will maybe only cost 5.000 when if you want a NF like Sweden has you maybe gotta pay over 100.000 but it will probaly generate better scores

2. i would like to maybe a thing which reflecs the happiness of the fans from the country. when people are happy with the entries better artist and more established artist are more willingly to enter. when the people aren't happy it will be harder to find good artist. so it will also be important to make people happy. i think it would be fun that when you hold a NF people will be more often happy with entries cause they can decide them themselves as for an internal selection people might be turned off more easily

3 i would also like to have customise your stage. like you can buy props and it will be a shopping list. as in you can buy a bit pyro for 2.500 and a lot pyro for 10.000 and maybe something in between. and you can maybe buy a prop like a house for 10.000 or a sort of a pedestal for only 2.000 and maybe at some other props i think that would be really fun.

I hope some of these things will be added in the game. I think these could make the game more interactive and it would make it a bit harder to win every year when your scouts are at 100 or when you have less good scouts you can still sometimes qualify.

I really love this game so please keep up the good work and never stop developing the game, this is a game i always needed in my life

and when can we expact the new update?

(1 edit)

I have a suggestion it is to be able to turn everything off. like you can just choose to play without it. so when you don't like something you can change to game.