I just edit the download links and version name each time we release an update, so I guess it just keeps displaying the original date. The current supporter release is version 0.20 and 0.21 is coming out soon.
The devlog on here is behind by 2 versions for a weird and complicated reason.
Escape Sauce
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I checked the links and they all work on my end. Getting a javascript void error would be an issue with a website or a browser. It could be something like a pop up or ad blocker interfering with the download window. It could also be caused by clicking the links through something like an email sent from itch instead of the main download page here. I'd try a different browser first, but if that doesn't solve it you can contact itch.io support https://itch.io/support
Worst case scenario I can send you links directly but you'll just have the same issue on every update so I'd suggest going through support to figure it out if using a different browser doesn't work.
We're considering translating just the prologue to test the waters before we decide what languages to translate to. That's coming after a major rewrite in version 0.21 so it's still several months away, then the full translation would be when we finish the entire game if we can afford to do it. Russian and Japanese are at the top of our list.
It's good to be paranoid tbh. One thing I've seen before on itch is people cloning an existing game's store page to pretend to be the devs and setting the download links to malware instead of a game.
I looked into it and it seems like I can probably embed a browser playable version pretty easily. In a few weeks we're releasing version 0.15b and I'm going to update the public demo to a new version that bundles in all of the story revisions plus a new scene we added into the prologue. Once that's done I'll embed the new demo into the store page so that it can be played without downloading.
Yes but it's really hard to estimate how much. The way we estimate play time is by taking the average reading speed (238 wpm) and just dividing the number of words in the script. It's not a perfect way to measure since it doesn't include time spent watching scenes or animations without dialogue but it should be a good ballpark number. Final script will probably be at least 75,000 words or 315+ mins but honestly I have no idea.