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A member registered Jun 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Clean, enjoyable, and gave me the motivation start over  three time while it's a simple brick breaker. Well done!

(1 edit)

Very nice work! Nice choices of assets, a lot of kindom's vibes here. Maybe you should reduce dash cooldown as it kill a bit the flow to have to wait on plateform for it to reset. Maybe also a tiny bit too much of inertia. But the fact that I'm able to make such picky comment proove that it's a good work

Really interesting gameplay and graphism

Nice idea and graphism! Control may be a bit too sensitive.

Nice idea and graphism! Control may be a bit too sensitive.

Gameplay is really fun! The ducktape launch cooldown feel a bit too long. Fastesr it would allow to make some nice combo and play with physics.

Hey. I tried it twice. First time i managed to move the character using wasd but it get out of screen. second time it didn't move at all. Could you add some tips on your page to get the gameplay?

Simple but efficient. Sometimes it is a bit hard to find a way betweens cars, but I guess it's what happens when you're taking the highway backward.

Hard, but i'll be back to beat it!

Hi and thanks for the comment,

As displayed  on the game page you just have to hit escape to relaunch the sound.

The atmosphere of this game is so well done, it bring me back to my childwood and  almost gave me motion sickness! The graphics and sound design are very good! The game itself isn't very challenging  and the logo seems not good enough too illustrate your game.

The Gamplay is very good! The graphism are simple but work very well. But the "R" did not appear on my party so I wasn't able to finish the stage and when I cliked on the "esc" I loose all my progression, which was a bit frustrating.

Also, The WebBroser integration on you game page is too big and I can't access to the "Rate this game" button. However, very nice job!

It is a nice looking and very pleasant game to play. Good Job!

Nice graphic improvement. The life and drone up that you had in your previous version would have been really nice here. Too bad you ran out of time. Nice job however!

Very good game with but with  a few very frustrating stuff; The R button turning into a X and bringing you back to the menu if you click a bit too late,  the lack of a "next level" button when you complete a level (which make me think on the first level that I had to complete it in a specific timing), and I don't no if anyone experienced it, but by playing with mouse, I had trouble to make my second click recognize for the double jump ( which I haven't with touch).  However, nice job!

Very nice game!

(2 edits)

Hi everyone,

Here is the first publication of our association, "Keep the light On", which has been  prototyped in one week by d0td0t for the "One ressource jam 2017" :

It's a top-down game, with roguelike mecanics, in a procedurally generated Open-world.

d0td0t could really use some feedback, positive or negative, to help him improve his forthcoming games, as it's only his third prototype ever.

Also, if you think he should push this one further, let us know.

Thanks for watching (and maybe playing) this game.


The idea behind the game seems interesting. It's sad that you did'nt have much time for it.

I think I get most of the mecanics but what is the "3" suppose to represeent?