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A member registered Aug 03, 2017

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Super excited to play this!! I hope it’s still on track for 2024.

Amazing, thanks for looking into it!

Picked this up on Catalog today - I love weird takes on solitaire and this is a cool idea! 

I do wish the cards actually looked more like real cards rather being mostly blank with just a suit and number. I have a harder time parsing the cards because they all look the same.

This is awesome, I love this variant of solitaire in Zachtronics and it’s great to see it here with it’s own style! I’d love to see other variants from that collection come to Playdate.

I hope update 1.2 eventually makes it's way out of beta (and that the dev is okay). I still really like this game!

Are you still working on any updates? I still really enjoy this!

Any chance you'd bring this to GBC for real?

I'm so excited! I can't believe how far along it's come over the last few weeks, it's been really fun to watch.

The description makes it sound like this is for GBC, is the plan to make a GBC  rom version at some point?

I always love some good old-fashioned Sega sprite scaling, but if that’s just not technically feasible, I think the FMV looks really good!

Will this be updated with a List View icon for Playdate OS 2.0?

Will this be updated with a List View icon for Playdate 2.0?

This rules! I love this solitaire variant, and I'm excited for future updates!

I'd love to see other modes from the Zachtronics Solitaire Collection make their way to Playdate too.

Are there any differences between the versions in the collections and the individual games?

Wow, the new look is awesome!

Genuinely astonished at the volume of content and options you've crammed into this. Absolutely the best Mahjong Solitaire game I've played on any platform, ever. 

(I would honestly love to see a version of this ported to non-Playdate platforms someday!)

(1 edit)

Is the update still planned for this? I'm looking forward to new backgrounds and card backs!

I finally picked this up today and I’m honestly delighted! Such a beautiful and impressively full-featured solitaire game - I can’t wait for the full release!

I love this! Great, polished little puzzle game.

How do I buy this? I can’t see a link.

Amazing, I didn't expect a response so quickly! Thanks so much!

This is so cool! Any chance you could make is available as a .pocket file also? (for Analogue Pocket)

I’m running on Windows 10, and I think it’s running in the itch sandbox?

(1 edit)

I love this game, the style and themes really resonate with me! But the save system is infuriatingly vague, and my save seems to have been deleted? I played up through the second day, logged out at the end, and when I logged back in today I was back at the very beginning. I already had to play the first day twice, I don't think I can play this any more, unless there's a way to jump to the third day :(

I downloaded it and played via the client.

I really enjoyed this, it really made me pine for a fun trip with good friends. For some reason I didn't have any music though? I didnt realize there was meant to be any until the credits rolled :(