The art in this is ABSOLUTE kino!
I really hope this is continued past the jam.
Gave all three a spin.
The sexual aspect advances way too quickly in all three, the characters just feel like sex dolls with no personality, and it's way too sprite heavy.
Not trying to hate, I just think you guys could make something better if you tried harder.
There are countless Koikatsu games out there, and these have nothing going for them.
If you want to stick out, you need at least good renders and a decent plot.
Beyond that, tackling numerous fetishes and having custom animations can take you to the top.
Try turning a character into the player's waifu before lewding her. You'll get a lot farther.
Those two sketches look already like AI to me.
Maybe he's just using a weird program, but the line missing near her right armpit, the the uncentered part of the left side of her bow, and the whole thing has a bunch of random muddy details. Its screaming sus. I'd like to hear from OP.
I don't have an issue with people using AI, but lying is weird. I could also be wrong, keep in mind.
Not sure why my other comment got deleted, but you should really consider fixing this because its a bit game-breaking. The auto text parts go by in a single frame making them entirely unreadable when using the instant text speed setting.
Again, I really like this game and you are a super talented dev.
I just want to play it without having to go back and forth in the settings.
Here is a clip to show what I am talking about:
I have some notes from playing the demo;
Setting the text speed to instant (how I like to play) fucks over all of the auto-progressing messages, they end up going by so fast I cannot read them.
Also, my walls turned green after playing this game.
Oh, and is the music custom? I really like it and the game.
Played in browser, crashed after like the 7th girl. Would be nice if you could flip the cards faster or if it showed them all at the beginning like this game is traditionally played.
Either way it becomes super repetitive after the 3rd time.
Models are good tho.
EDIT: Dev made some quick changes, Good job!
These 3 are pretty rare in the Koikatsu games space.
You are guaranteed to attract lots of attention to your game with these.
Only downside is you can't use Patreon bc of the loli. (worth it though if you ask me)
Any extreme content is a good idea too since 95% of these games are vanilla af.
These ones are a bit extreme and you should probably just focus on the top three unless enough ppl want them.