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Estyx Translations

A member registered Dec 07, 2020

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Hi. I would like to test it and give you feedback if that's still something that will help you. Getting you guys the possibility to grow and learn from what you do from a gamer's perspective is the least I can do to help develop the games of the future. Also, should you want it localised to Spanish (Spain), let me know and I can help you with that so that more people can play it and have a nice gaming experience in their own language. Good luck with it, will spread the word among people who might enjoy it!

Looking interesting. Congrats on it, and good luck on improving its quality and reach. Would you like to translate it eventually to Spanish? I could lend you a hand with that, so that you could eventually make it reach more people and keep experimenting with adding more translations to the game. Let me know about it if interested. Take care!

I'm interested in helping you with Spanish (Spain). I've added you through Discord and look forward to discussing about the project.

Hi everyone,

I hope this message finds you all well. My name is Alberto Gómez Herrera, and I am the founder of Estyx Translations, a freelance localisation/QA brand for which I localise games mainly to Spanish (Spain). I have translated plenty of games up until now (1.500.000+ words translated, 25+ game projects), and I want to keep doing so, so why not showing up in here? 

And you might think "Why would I get you to help me?". A good question indeed. First thing is that we do not work as a normal localisation agency, which wants to get all the money possible from you. Not at all. You know what? We have other things to survive and get money, and we do this because we believe we can help many others to get their projects become bigger and bigger. And that's why we will be a great fit to you, because for our help, we will accept anything (virtually ANYTHING) you believe our services are worth of. 

That's right, you've read well. Bigger projects have paid us because they had the possibility to do so, but many others offered us to create one of their characters, to name one of their main characters, credit mentions, free merchandising...and many more. And we are happy with that! Even if you pay $10 for a week of work, we are ok with that! And you know why we do that? That's because we believe that gamedevs from today should be propelled to the future. And this trust always comes back to you, at the given time. The gamedevs who have worked with us have experienced it, and they appreciate being given the time and space they need to get developed. Besides, we have fought against the tag "freelance", which tends to mean "lower quality" to all. However, many people trusted in us, and we never got a simple complaint. That's enough for us to be happy with what we offer.

Given this information, are you (or will you be) interested in localising your game? Then contact me through here or ask for further contact details, and let's discuss about it. You lose nothing by asking, I can assure that (well, maybe 2-6 minutes writing the message, depending on what you ask, hehe!).

The languages we mainly work with are:

- English to Spanish (Spain)

- English to French

- French to Spanish (Spain)

- Portuguese to Spanish (Spain)

Thanks for your time, and best of lucks with your projects. Keep creating the content many will enjoy in the future! Regards,

Alberto Gómez Herrera / Website: