No worries! But yup, can confirm it's working now. Thanks for the speedy fix, and nice work on the asset pack! =D
Recent community posts
Of course! I wish I had the spare cash to donate/buy every cool asset pack I come across like yours, but alas, I am but a po' boy... But maybe someday my "aspiring self-taught, solo, indie game dev" dreams will pay off, and I'll make the next Stardew Valley or Dwarf Fortress or whatever XD But until then, my philosophy is that rating/commenting is the LEAST I can do to pay it forward when an artist generously offers their work for free.
Anyway, you earned yourself a follow lol, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for any of your future work!
I like this one a lot, and think it has a ton of potential! Whereas your previous parallaxes featured either small and/or ruined cities, I appreciate what you did here to demonstrate this location is positively teeming with life. I love the obvious care given to the little details in that not a single layer is "just terrain"; the tram crossing the bridge, the rocket launch, even no 2 ships are exactly the same! I also think you do a really good job of capturing the truly epic scale of this setting. Once the viewer considers that the structures in the foreground are likely intended to be skyscrapers, it becomes apparent how unfathomably massive the gunship in the top center of the final layer must be. Lastly, kudos on your sci-fi/cyberpunk city deviating from the more common trope of "super tall but still mostly rectangular and boring buildings".
Again I find myself impressed! As a huge fan of Norse mythology (and especially all things dwarven), I always enjoy a nice set o' runes XD Though I do appreciate that you really forged your own style here; both with the shape of the runestones, as well as the runes themselves (which appear to be a unique creation of your own devising, as far as I can tell). Amazing job, and please keep up the good work!
This is freaking awesome! I've browsed literally thousands of asset packs on itch, & this is definitely one of the most unique and interesting ones I've stumbled across. Pixel spellbooks are a rare niche in and of themselves, but what you did with the "open book view" is easily my favorite part (with 11 variants per color, no less)! You really managed to cram an insane amount of detail into a tiny 50x33 pixel space. Also the stacked versions showing the spines with all the different storage/display options is a nice touch.
Honestly the ONLY critique I could even offer: As much as I like the palette you chose, I think the super bright red/blue/green on some of the covers looks just a little jarring? Though idk, whereas the vivid coloration would look a bit out of place in a gritty Diablo-esque fantasy RPG, it would be right at home in a game that was going for a more whimsical aesthetic. Anyway, I fully acknowledge that's just my personal preference, and the fact that you kept those parts to only 2-3 shades would make it very easy to recolor anything I wanted to make more grimdark or whatever lol.
But again, thank you for sharing this, and I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for your future work!
Awesome job with this! I've always loved the ancient arcade classic "Galaga", which I think is safe to classify as the great great gran-pappy of all space SHMUPS. This game not only reignites the nostalgia of Galaga, but also incorporates a healthy layer of complexity onto that simplistic, tried-and-true base formula. The variety of different enemies, alternate weapon option, and full screen mobility bring this more or line with SHMUPS like the "Raiden" series which I also enjoyed immensely. All in all, I think that opens the door to allow for more skillful player maneuvers, and an overall fun experience; definitely a game you could sink a fair number of hours into!
This seems like a really useful tool, especially in combo with your Img2Palette tool. But I wanted to give a heads up that whenever I go to download this, it gets flagged as malicious by my Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
Lol so assuming you are not actually a L33T H4XX0R who is trying to bamboozle us, Microsoft Defender specifically makes reference to the file "Program:Win32/Wacapew.C!ml", if that helps you troubleshoot the issue
Nice work on this, and bonus points for having the license clearly displayed!
Also, I admittedly didn't see the original before Ruine updated it, but unless it was a more or less exact copy of DantePixels work, I'm skeptical that it would really be fair to call it stolen. I mean, there's only so many ways to draw fruit in a 16x16 pixel box and have it still be recognizable as cherries or grapes or whatever lol... I'm sure there are plenty of instances where 2 pixel artists legitimately drew stuff 100% independent of one another (especially really small scale stuff like x8p or x16p), but if compared side by side they would appear to be very similar, if not derivative of one another.
IDK, I'm all for protecting artist's work, but I just find it highly unlikely that an artist would say "Hhmm, let me plagiarize half a dozen fruits from this guy, and then I'll draw like 130+ other icons that are clearly my own work, so I can then post them in a FREE asset pack!" *cue nefarious laughter*
Anyway, just didn't want to dogpile/discourage a fledgling pixel artist by having their first asset get attacked for being stolen if that wasn't the case. So assuming my theory is correct, again, good job Ruine, and I look forward to seeing your future work! =D
This is a cool little asset pack, nice work on it! I also appreciate the ambiguously-gendered investigator, and with their waistcoat and breeches, I feel like they could also be at home in a steampunk or Victorian themed game. For that matter, the phonograph, bookshelves, and wooden desks could all fit that genre as well