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A member registered Feb 27, 2018

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This story is life-changing and deep. Amazing game skills.

I don't want to be ungrateful for your work nor rude, but I wish it was possible to have a good ending for Victorie.

The game is great, but a bit short. Hope you make a sequel.

To get Nikau good ending:
 - "Then give me some tips"
- "You aren't Hawaiian"
- "You sure it's not a temporary one?"
Don't wait
- "Awesome!"
- "They're amazing!"


(1 edit)

I sure hope you make more games, because this one is awesome:

a) Of course, I'm happy to make more games. 

You make thousand of people happy (good ending)
b) No, I'm tired of making games. 

RGRG PUNCH (You're dead)

c) I can't, I'm too busy.

RGRG PUNCH (You're dead)

I loved the game, I would give it 5 stars, but not being able to save is really painful, I want to see the response to every question, without replaying 100 times. So... 4 stars.

I would sure buy ans support a Kumochi and Jikkanji route with full colors on kickstarter.

It would be nice if the punches didn't give a instant game over.