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A member registered Mar 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Pretty cool little rogue-like, I enjoyed it. All but the last floor was pretty easy and I beat it on my first try but that makes sense if this is just a little first couple floors demo. The abyssal priest guy was difficult and I felt he was pretty well balanced. I also liked the hag fish's slow down goo attack, that was cool.

I never got an item with a bad effect, which is interesting for a game with an identification system, though maybe I just didn't chug enough potions. I did get a charm of teleportation which I guess could have been dangerous if I had first used it at a base time.

Keep at it, could be really good if you keep playing into unique mechanics like with the hag fish or the star fish which I think could split on death.

I finished with 2072 points.

Agreed, map with quest locations would be cool

Hey, pretty cool game, played through all the content with someone I met when I joined called Vlieg-something. Probably took me 1 and a half to two hours, so I’m just going to put all of my thoughts about the game below. I know it is still in development so these are my thoughts about what will be good to fix in the game for the future. I posted this on your Discord too, but wanted to put it into a more permanent place so people could reference it.

I had a pretty good time. The combat was pretty fun, especially in the Catacombs where the bosses make you move around. I played with a sword and my friend used the staff so it was cool that he could buff me. I'll say that once he gave me the speed buff I wanted that to be the default speed because whenever it ran out I felt as slow as a log haha. I liked interacting with the weapons and stuff in the world and the cool detail of the skeletons around the fires disappearing as I built Morg(?)’s army was neat. The guy in the suit being able to just give you everything for free was lame and I didn't use it but I guess it makes sense because everything is early and still kind of wack. 

There are a few props in the world that have some layering issues. My screenshots didn't save unfortunately but there's one rock up on the beach near the corner in the north where you can walk your top half under it and there's a pillar near the entrance to the beach that you can walk on the top half of it. Obviously forgivable but layering could probably use another pass.

I also thought the skills were a bit confusing for the sword, mostly how it's actually one skill that switched between the three different kinds. The lock in there didn't make sense to me until I got the dungeon sword and saw it was for the dungeon sword skill. I also wish that there was an auto-attack setting for skills. My finger started to hurt from spamming 1 all the time. I almost thought that there was an auto-attack because there's that little black box at the bottom right of the skills but I couldn't figure out how to use it. If I could set my skills to auto-use when they are off cooldown that would be great.

The UI looks pretty cool and I think one simple change would make it a lot better - hover sprites. There's an idle sprite for buttons and one for when they are clicked on, but if they became brighter or something when I hovered over them it would make the UI feel a lot more interactive. Would probably be pretty easy to implement too. One problem I had with the UI is whenever I would come back to an npc with a completed quest it would bring up their text for having not completed the quest, which I would have to drag away to actually turn in the quest. Would probably be best if that text didn’t come up at all when I’ve finished the quest requirements. Also the dye system was a bit jank, took me a while to figure out I had to drag the clothes into the window from my inventory, but was fine after that.

I also felt some of the targeting was a bit weird. For quests that remove the item after you interact with them, like getting the beach fiber things for hair, the yellow interaction bubble stays after they disappear which feels weird. Also sometimes after I used the dungeon sword's special ability, it felt like I had to re-click on the enemy to be able to use the normal sword attack skill again. Otherwise nothing would happen when I pressed it. Also, for NPCs, after I left menus it seemed it wouldn’t let me interact with them again unless I walked a bit away from them and came back. Probably something to do with triggers. Sometimes I forget something I want to do with an NPC and want to click back quickly. Also some of the enemies would get too close to the wall and I couldn’t hit them with my sword - I had to lure them away from the wall and then try to attack them.

But overall I really enjoyed my time with the game and I felt lucky to be starting at the same time as someone else because we got to figure stuff out together, and fight the dungeon together. I thought the roly polys had too much health, fighting the group of 6 or whatever took forever for us. In comparison the bosses melted because we could focus damage on them. The worm boss was really cool though and his abilities actually cornered me on a couple occasions, like when I had to dodge the “blobs from above” attack and the charge attack at the same time. I really liked that it was easy to get the item slime - at first I thought it would just be cosmetic but grabbing items for me increased the playability of the game a lot.

I do think the health potion economy is a bit inflated - you have to kill a lot of skeletons for quests and they drop a lot of potions. I maxed at 50 potions pretty quickly and at that point I was unkillable because no enemies could outdamage the cooldown (except maybe some bosses if I always stood in their ability zone). I get this is a pretty early area though so it makes sense that it was easy.

Really neat game though. I’m sure having it online and being able to interact with players helps with motivation. I hope that you keep working on it. Obviously the problem with all indie MMOs is the time to get content out to keep your playerbase around (for example right now after the dungeon there are not really any reasons to stick around, nothing to grind for) but I hope you manage to pull through anyways and make this into something big.

I hate eels for ruining my epic hat stack every time I jump.

Hey friend, played through your game and decided to record it for my channel. You've got some good stuff here! Everything seemed pretty standard in the first half but stuff got really crazy in the second half and the alternate ending especially was really cool. I liked the quick-time events in combat rather than just clicking attack and found the story really interesting when it picked up.

If you're still planning on making another chapter I'm looking forward to it. You did good work here!

You mention in your post that maybe you can meet others in the game. The servers are dead though, right? Like for me all the messages are gone, is that just me or for you too?

It's finally here! Marble Mania is the first game I've worked on for as long as I have, and I'm really happy with the results.

Marble Mania is a 2D Physics Platformer, with open levels and collectables. Each level is back-trackable and has different paths, so you can choose which challenges you want to tackle. The goal is to get every collectable from every level.

Please try it out here: 

I'm desperate for feedback, so if you have any please share it with me!



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      SkyFall is an arcade survival game. The player must dodge rocks in a variety of worlds while surviving to gain points. These points may be spent on cosmetics and are shown on a global score board. SkyFall has 4 levels, 3 of which drop a unique rock and have special static obstacles to hinder you. The game gets harder the longer you survive but power-ups also appear to help you.

Good luck on my game. If you would please I would also appreciate some feedback as this is the first game I've created and released.