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Ethers & Elixirs

A member registered Oct 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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I know this is super old but thanks! Pantoums are my fave. Check out "Bareback Pantoum" for an excellent example.

I love the tagline. Platforming seems tight enough. Nicely done.

I really like this idea of the ghosts coming back to help you. Fits the theme nicely. Music was good. Wish I had some SFX and that the player moved just a bit faster. If you want to expand on this one, I wouldn't mind doing some writing. I'm intrigued by the aesthetic.

I agree but my only complaint is I kept messing up on the first level but didn't need to see the instructions over and over. Obviously easily fixed though so neat idea for a puzzler!

I really like the look and idea of this game but I agree -PHEW- this was a tough one. I kept getting arrested. With a few tweaks and adding in abilities that would add more player skill and strategy, this would make for a cool af indie game! Don't let this idea die yet!

Hi, apologies if there's a better place to do this. I'm a writer looking for experience in writing for games. I'd love to write dialogue, narration, item descriptions, wolrdbuilding.... whatever your jam might need! Contact at the email on my website if you're interested. Thanks!