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A member registered Sep 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Amazing... I really enjoyed all the s*x positions in the game. Didn't expect this game to be totally free, even the developer provided a button to enable cheats in achievements (very useful) 👏

Halo UNIQX Studio!

Kemarin saya mengunduh "Ngopi Yuk!" dan kini ingin mencoba game lain dari UNIQX.

Berikut pendapat saya mengenai "The Demon King: Slime Curse": stage-nya cukup mudah, memang ada dua stage yang menyebalkan, tapi sudah terselesaikan :D. Saya juga suka dengan karakter Slime yang menggemaskan <3

Di sisi lain, ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya sampaikan terkait game ini:  

1. Skala arena sebaiknya tidak berubah-ubah. Lebih baik ukurannya kecil saja agar lebih mudah dilihat. 

2. Terkadang setelah menyelesaikan stage, game terjebak tanpa tombol menu atau lanjut. Masalah ini lebih sering terjadi ketika online, sedangkan dalam mode offline situasinya berbeda.  

3. Setelah tamat, sebaiknya game bisa dimainkan ulang. Pada akhir kredit, terdapat dua tombol (Kembali dan Rate Us). Tombol Kembali seharusnya mengarah ke halaman judul, bukan kembali ke kredit berulang kali.

Demikian ulasan saya tentang "The Demon King: Slime Curse." Mohon pertimbangan terkait kendala (bug) yang saya alami. Terima kasih!

(1 edit)

I unexpectedly found a cultivation game in this place. I wanted to play it but couldn't due to server closure. I don't know if the ones released on Steam are the same because I'm not used to playing games from Steam. What is certain is that this is an amazing game, I appreciate it 👍

Edit: I found the official website, click here

Alright, that completely answers my question. I often see it in similar games; it's like indicating that a conversation is taking place. Once again, thank you <3

Gallery is optional but log/history is better. Thanks for understanding.

Question: what does this little triangle do? 

Can you add a "back" button for missed dialogs? Also, I would like a gallery feature to save some favorite scenes <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

Also, fix the issue with the Google Play Store platform as it often displays a popup at the beginning of the game. This popup attempts to link the Google Play Game account to save achievements, but an error occurs that reads:

Access blocked: Vigna's Stereo Switch has not completed the Google verification process.



It's so much fun! Plus each stage has its own rules which is why this game never gets boring. Also, the songs make me want to keep listening to them. 

I have a question, for crystals with red and blue colors that fall and often disappear, should you place tiles of the same color or vice versa? Because in the tutorial there are no components like this just a bunch of white crystals.

Finally.. after navigating through the maze, I found the route to the cliff on the left. It's so cool. Thanks for the game.

I can't install it on Linux :(

Pengen main si.. tapi linknya udh ditarik.. Itu juga udah lama bgt. Gw malah baru tau ada game bagus kek gini. Setuju apa yg lo bilang, perlu dukungan biar bisa dikenal banyak org 😁

(2 edits) dino. Bisa ditingkatkan lg nih.. misalnya dari ketukan sama kecepatan. Abis diulang2 high score 169 trs..apa gw yg gk jago mainn..haha..

Bisa jg penambahan skin Olaa dsb. Trs waktu install ke detect keamanan dr playstore.

Apa hubungannya si Olaa lari sambil ngindarin kapsul? Abis biasanya klo gk taneman ya duri.. Terlepas dari kekurangannya, makasih buat gamenya.. 🙃🙃

Semangat trs min.. biar bisa update lg..😅

Ditunggu update level 3 dst..!!

Ritmenya gampang gk susah, charnya lucuu, udah gitu visual novel + pixel art..itu kombinasi yg..😁

Bagus sii..cuman berat di laptop. Storynya mudah dipahami. Kontrolnya jg mudah.

Begitu Chandra dpt kerjaan trs diarynya penuh langsung tamat. Terlalu singkat bagi gw.. yah berharap ada sidestory, kalo ada..😁

Suka bgt animasi sama art stylenya. Ceritanya ringkas jd cepat namatin gamenya 🚀

Yg kek gini bisa jd dongeng buat anak2 cuman ceritanya kurang pas aja. Tapi, keren bgt asli.. Gw tunggu karya selanjutnya!

I'll wait for the full version! Go for it..!!

I completed it!

It's quite fun just building house, farm and upgrading the Ship. Plus, adjustable speed.

Thanks for making this game :D

pyramid builder - linux

Waiting for the next update :D

I want to hop on a boat soon..
