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Euka Programming

A member registered Jul 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey, is it okay with you, that I am using yor music theme for Libary in my Home Menu of my newest game Save the Turtle

Hey first things first. An amazing Character wow. I wanted to ask to be 100% sure, if I can use your Character to make a free Course on my Youtube channel. It’s about how to create a Top Down Shooter Game, with all the focus mainly on the Programming. I will of course link your site and Character here on that I used it from you and also link all your other links too.

Hope you will answer me thank you and nice work!

Hey first things first. An amazing Tile Set wow. I wanted to ask to be 100% sure, if I can use your Tile Set to make a free Course on my Youtube channel. It’s about how to create a Top Down Shooter Game, with all the focus mainly on the Programming. I will of course link your Tile Set here on that I used it from your and also link all your other links too.

Hope you will answer me thank you and nice work!

Hey just want to let you know that i released this little game where i used your nice music. I wrote your youtube etc in the description. Nice music...i hope i can use more of your music in other projects