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A member registered Dec 04, 2020

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Thanks a bunch :3

bro can you re up the link once more please? 

I love this vn :(

Waaa.... I love the tiger.. Y-you meanie! ʕ   -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅  ʔ

I have to agree! he's very charming ʕ˵–ᴥ–˵ʔ

That liu chuan tiger is so cute... I need him in my life ʕ≧㉨≦ʔ

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Originally I love presodal and tiger the most but after playing marcos's route, oh my..

Well yeah he's a bit of a normies but boy, Is he not the sweetest? ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ

I'm using screen translator for the untranslated part of the story.. and well.. it's still give me a very good time though still pretty hard to understand and some words just won't translate.. (damn crappy translator apps)lol

but frankly speaking.. even though I barely grasp the story line, I'm very sure the story is originally great..

Yinke is my favorite so far, he's a quiet but interesting type eh?.. I need him in my life ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ

Oh my.. Congratz!^^

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the art and animation is very nice, you must be putting a lot of effort on that and the story is also getting more and more interesting..

I'm looking forward for the next update ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ

dunno why, but I feel somewhat envious of the mc tho  ʕ ﹷ ᴥ ﹷʔ

Woooo! I'm so excited..

Can't wait to see how the story unfold, but please take your time ^^

Aww this is just getting very interesting..

the animation is quiet lively too <3 *wink *wink

I'm looking forward for the next update XD

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I wonder if we can somehow tame xiao into a big softie since he might be a tsundere type.. XD

I need more doze of Dallan❤

wow.. I didn't expect that flower thingy will actually talk, it is a nice thing tho..

That gary boy is very attractive and I'm sure I'm not the only one who think so eh.. *wink *wink

(2 edits)

This VN is ngl very fun, interesting, hillarious, enjoyable, filled with a lot of pleasure and charming husbandos (the title itself pretty self explanatory I suppose).. and also.. uhh..

p̶̶r̶̶o̶̶b̶̶a̶̶b̶̶l̶̶y̶ ̶a̶̶w̶̶o̶̶k̶̶e̶̶n̶ ̶s̶̶o̶̶m̶̶e̶̶t̶̶h̶̶i̶̶n̶̶g̶ ̶e̶̶l̶̶s̶̶e̶ ̶i̶̶n̶ ̶m̶̶e̶ ̶(̶̶?̶̶)̶  *cough *cough

Aaanyways, this VN deserve lots of good good ⭐ eh.. 

Oh my.. the story is heavy but good and unique....

the MC is very strong and the emotion journal really stirr the feels, I hope marshall is okay tho.. 

I'm excited for the next update, this vn deserve a good good ⭐ eh.. 

Ooooo.. I see what you mean now... it's going to make things even more interesting eh? I'm so excited XD

Aww shucks.. you gonna make me blush (>///<)  I'm just glad if it makes you feel happy and more motivated hehe.....

Keep up the good work boy~ You are awesome!

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Hey AriGuardian, You did a great job with this vn.. 

it left me wondering tho.. 

*potential spoilers ahead*








I feel e little confused when angel suddenly refer to the mc as love and the mc ended up refering angel as his boyfriend because I didn't see any love confession before that, oh well maybe it is just me and my thick skull not noticing any subtlety or something along the way.. The story is interesting, I'm not complaining really.. 

This vn makes my heart flutters and melts all over the place.. I literally can't hold myself from giggling like a highschool girls when they gossips about their super crush awesomeness whenever everything get sweets and romantic.. 

and whenever it happens, my soul was just like "Sh*t oh no.. nononono...... NO!!t-this is too much... Just what the hell am I getting myself into??... I'm way too bitter and sour for this..... this gonna hurt my bitterness and sourness a lot aaaarh!!......... "

*few minutes later, still reading with sparkling eyes, amusement and butterfly all over the place* "Wha?? uh... Cough cough a-aherm......B-but please  don't stop reading cuz I..... Uh.... I... I kinda love it I suppose...... I like how the bear treat the MC...."

*also a few chapters later* "Ugh I.. I can't take it anymore.... too much sweetness!!.... I-I'm dying but I need this in my life!!..... Aaaaaaaaaaaa I'm confused with my feelings.... ugh f*ck it! I don't care anymore, I love this vn!! and I love that angel bear a lot.... he's PRECIOUS!!!! I need to know what's going to happen next!"

haha sorry it may sounds cringeworthy but it's just how I feel eh (>.<)9

the story is great and interesting, some part of it feels relatable. Well, Idk if it's just me but I feel like dating me when the MC is looking at the mirror or something.. oh goodness! the mc is sooo cute! a very hugable husbando <3

I'm looking forward for the next update..

Incase of emergency

Labios Salvajes

wolfstar sin and paradise

tennis ace

heart of amethyst

it's delightful and juicy... XD

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The story line is great, the visual and music also nicely flows with it..

wes route has a cute ending, my favorite is remus and cedric but Idk how I feel about their route, a lot of mixed feelings and it feels like part of my mind still linger in peregrine.. their story is bittersweet yet flavourful even for a dense people like me.... 

You did a very wonderful job phibbean, You're awesome! I hope you'll continue creating VN in the future :)





ahh.. how I wish You'd make a sequel for  remus and cedric eh :')

the cliff hanger... I wish I could stay with him tho T_T

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Please take care and hope you get well soon 🙏

I think this vn is really worth to wait.. well, sure it is nice if you can bring the update on time, but please take ur time if you need to slow down your pace because great thing takes time afterall and I'm sure many of us don't want to make you feel pressured if you have to postpone the update.. :)

also peace for everyone

oh my, I love hamish too.. he's the best!

I just finish the latest build, the story is very interesting and I love this VN!❤ 

Goodness! Seth is my favorite, I want to cuddle him more!!

Thanks for your hardwork, I'm looking forward for the next update.. XD

wow, I'd love to! Thank you XD

I'm sorry to hear that, I do hope everything will gets better for you soon. Please take care.

well, I'm excited about the update and will happily wait for the next big surprise one tehee~

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This VN is a masterpiece!

But.. Leo.. Why tho?

Is it just me or did I just love him too much that I don't wanna leave him alone? :')

I guess I'm gonna sulk myself for a bit eh, how he feels in both ending  kinda reminds me of my past tho.

Uff.. Good work, this vn is shooo goood 😆😆😆 love the vibe of ur BGM tho..l

I'm looking forward for ur next update heh

This vn is cute! XD

I'm excited for the next update eh, see a tough looking dude like that rick got blushed is somewhat cute too \(>///<)/

This vn is very interesting....

I'm excited for the next update