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Everyday Lemonade

A member registered Dec 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you John !

If you unzip the "" file, you'll have a .PDX file, which you can double-click to open in Playdate Simulator ! I can add some additional instructions on the main description to make this clearer.

PlayJam community · Created a new topic Enjoy!

Will be out of town that weekend unfortunately, but would have loved to contribute to this. Hopefully there will be another ! :) 

thank you! we've already had a handful of trees planted since the prototype released :)

Unfortunately, until the "Game Jam" judging is over, the uploads on the base game page are restricted! That's still a few weeks away yet (late June), but we wanted to get some small updates out to people in the meantime still.

Thank you! Yes... working carefully on those audio loops... Trying to keep the total game size down is tricky, and looping soft/pad/gentle music cleanly can sometimes be awkward. We'll go back and recheck all the loops and clean them up.

:) thank you

Ah  yes, thank you! If it says 1.0.2 on the home screen, it's the right version.

We'll make sure to be more diligent with our meta data version number :)

Thank you!!

Just curious if participant's game page uploads will be restricted from updating until after the June 26th announcement? We're interested in releasing updated versions before then for our page's followers.

I'm sure the jam admin has access to knowing which game files were uploaded before the deadline and can use those specifically for judging purposes? It would be great to have this unlocked sooner rather than later.

The itch HTML input stuff is a little bit buggy actually, some specific attributes (like border-radius, randomly?) aren't respected. But overall it was pretty simple, I just built it in a text editor and used inline styling on the header and paragraph tags etc. :)

thank you !!

Will you post screenshots? Would be quite ideal considering most people won't be able to play !

very nice minimalist vibe :) 

While Minecraft and Celeste may result in therapeutic experiences for many people, they likely weren't designed to be explicitly that. The games in this jam are meant to be intentionally designed to be both fun and therapeutic. As GGJ has posted before, this page gives a very good overview of what they're looking for:

Not sure if this will help entirely, but if you haven't read through this page, it may answer many of your questions:

Thank you ! :)

We decided for this jam we were interested in the extra challenge of having no theme (since it was explicitly optional), and how to approach that part of the jam coming up with ideas, iterating on them, and discussing them before even starting to code or design.

Thank you !

Thank you! We'll check yours out soon.

Thanks! We've added some character animations post-submission, we may upload that soon.

Thanks !

Thanks! We will increase the font size.

Thank you!! We had a lot more level design done, but of course not enough time to finish, so we put that sign there for now :)


Super interesting. I really loved the drunkenness effect. The way the eyes drifted was pretty captivating in a weird way. I loved the music. Kinda wished the room was a little darker, and the text was a little smaller, to kinda give it more intimacy. But overall cool. 

Didn't quite work on macOS Big Sur 11.0.1, got the classic Unity "You do not have permission to open the application “Sunburn -”." error. Looks really awesome though, will check it out on PC later.

Controls were a bit tricky, but not impossible, and sort of fun to try and figure out how to master them. :) Love the music vibe you chose

love this!!!

Echoing the same, much too dark overall. Otherwise, quite interesting!

Thanks! Absolutely, we'd love to expand how those pieces work (and have more types of them!).

will definitely check out your space game :)

Thank you! We will check out your game as well. :)

thanks for checking it out. Will definitely play yours as well. 

Thank you! That was definitely on the list (there were to be 8 types of pieces originally), but ran out of time. Will check yours out!