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A member registered Feb 17, 2023

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Okay well I've PM you on Discord

Well I appreciate your help. I did run through the game again, but ended up in the same place no credits. the last bit of dialogue was to do with the baby going to Bastet domain. but from what Bianca says its not the same place they get milked as there's a house. I don't know if that's content that you have put in the game. I've try talking to all the girls at every different time I can possibly get but there's nothing but the choice to return or in Bastet case bless the farm. I am on the Discord but I don't think there's much I can add now.

You've been really helpful in responding hopefully something comes to mind and we can figure it out. I don't know how reliable donation is. is there one that you use and trust that I can send something over?

Okay so we've got the birth scene, then speaking to Bianca about the baby and then seeing and speaking to Akari. I can't recall the dialogue but I was about the baby with two choices. There's been no end credits and I feel that I need to do something to trigger another bit of dialogue with Akari or maybe another character.

Thanks for replying, I haven't seen any credits yet.  would you be able to give me a hint on what I'm looking for or need to do to trigger it. I don't want to say spoilers or where I am in the game but like I said everyone is on wait. and the last thing I did was speak to Akari with Bianca if that helps. Any tips you can give me would be appreciated even if they have to be vague so as not to spoil anything.

Amazing new update, been well worth the wait. Just blown away with the amount of content that was added. One question, so that I'm not continuously playing, when will I know that I've completed all the current content? All the girls are currently on wait with the only task to pay bills every Sunday. So I feel that I'm there, is there anything time/event gated or should I just be upgrading the quality of my vegetables.       

It was a lot of luck, like I said on the OP that it took almost 300 tries on each character. But I believe using the crown of fortune cat artifact that you get for beating the alpha definitely helps. Good luck.

Resting at the Inn in Sylva city after they've hit 100% pregnancy.

This is a fantastic game which I put more hours in than I probably should have, a massive thank you to the Dev for the masterpiece they have created.

Looking forward to future updates and the upcoming features outlined, hope it's not too long a wait.

FYI, this took almost 300 visits to the brothel each, both Quads.

If the Dev does see this. Possible hotfix to add item or ability to equip multiple boosting items which would vastly improve chance?  So people have an easier time of achieving this greatness.