Very useful assets, thank you!
Ex Nihilum Publishing
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Thank you very much for your review! We hope you have a great time! If you give the game a good rating - we will be very happy :)
This game is only a small piece of a larger future project. If you like the atmosphere and setting, you can subscribe and get a message when the full version is ready
Also, if you like to visualize your characters, you can use the character portrait builders for this setting
- Portraits of the Marble People -
- Portraits of the Marble People (provls) -
- Portraits of the People of Basalt -
- Portraits of the People of Bronze -
- Portraits of the People of Jade -
- Portraits of Domesticated Slugs -
Hi, thank you so much for your review, it's very important to us! We would also appreciate it if you would rate the game by giving it a fair rating!
About the music, we have an official track for your travels in the darkness
And during June we will be announcing the release of a soundtrack for naval combat, some different tracks for city adventures, and a track for a small village on a remote island. We'll post the full pack on, and we'll keep adding to it. Our sound designer is already working on the next theme. Stay tuned for more updates!
Regarding the unofficial recommended soundtracks, it depends on what mood you want to create for your game. You can check out variations of inspirational music for this game, with a variety of moods suitable for different genres, in our special playlist
We hope our recommendations can make your next story richer and more colorful :3
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