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A member registered May 24, 2016

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sorry people are being so rude and weird to you, your game is really amazing and when it's out i'll absolutely buy it :D

oh no... they're all so pretty... i fear i'm doomed

Omg there's going to be voices?? I had no idea, I'm so excited to hear them :D I hope you have a good year, and I will patiently be awaiting to play this amazing game <3

Happy Holidays!! I hope you have a good time playing BG3/learning crochet, and a great new year :D 

I'm so excited!! Had to get the walkthrough too, I wanna know everything about this amazing game <3 

I'm so excited!! I can't wait to see more of both of them, but especially Yakyar :D

Just bought the game on Steam, can't wait to play :D And thanks so much for adding an easy mode as I do struggle to manage resources in games ^^

my heart is broken and my day is ruined T-T i love it thank you so much

can't wait to save a horse 

i only recently discovered your game and i fell in love with the writing, worldbuilding, and characters straight away <3 i am so excited to the play the new chapter, albeit anxious about whatever might happen!! also it comes out on my ma's birthday :D

I'm so excited! I can't wait to play :D

I'm so glad your cat is okay! <3 I actually just went through surgery myself so I can relate ^^

Also Cipher looks so cool!! I especially love the shirt. Can't wait to meet them :D

Please, take all the time you need. Your work should never come before your health and wellbeing <3 We'll be here whenever you want to return :D

*their route. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Etza solely goes by they/them.

I'm more than happy to wait for however long it takes <3 I am so excited about this game, I really love your writing and the characters, and can't wait to see where it goes :D

i've been reading the devlogs for so long i cant believe its finally here!! already backed and so happy <3

i don't know this person but already, i love them

You do such great work on this game, and I can't wait to play the full thing whenever it releases :D Take your time, because I bet it'll be amazing!

i love this game but i need an actual guide so bad ;; pls can someone make one i am losing my mind trying to get different endings

yakyar's arms... i am looking respectfully 

so excited!! cant wait to play it <3

god bless u for giving us more azram content

Oh! I forgot to mention how much I appreciate the extended pronoun customisation, and also the ability to pick how people refer to us. I only go by she/her myself, but I actually prefer to be referred to as a 'person/child etc' than a 'woman/daughter'. So it was amazing to be able to do that in game <3

I'm writing this as I play so forgive me if I jump around:

Oh my god. The GUI is so amazing!! It must've taken so much work, and it looks sooo good. The main menu is so pretty, and the hover-codex feature is really cool and useful. The little icons for personality traits are so cute <3

The backgrounds!! The music!! All so stunning. The people you hired are immensely talented at what they do.

Druk is pronounced 'Drook'.....I did not know this. I've been calling him 'Druhk' like a fool djkafj. Sorry Druk I will get your name right from now on o7

The VAs are doing such a great job. They make me feel even closer to the characters than before. Especially Fenir's, though I am biased because he is my favourite :D But I love all of them!! Aisa's voice is also lovely <3

The shadows of the trees falling onto Druk's character sprite during the walk is so immersive, and I haven't seen that effect in many games before. It's really pretty. Your art has improved so much, but still has its unique style that first drew me to the game.

Possible improvements: Obviously this is still a demo and I have no idea what you have planned for the future and maybe you've already considered some of these, but I thought I'd give feedback where I could!

At the end of the personality quiz, when the voice asks you how you'd describe yourself, you can answer with 'Compassionate, Social, Courageous, or Curious'. I think it might be cool if 'Social' was 'Companionable' instead, which essentially means the same thing but makes them all begin with a 'C' haha. Or 'Charismatic'? Obviously it's up to you and makes very little difference in the long run, just a small silly thing I thought of. 

The hover-codex colour is a little hard to see. Maybe there could be a toggle for a brighter, more obvious colour in the menu? I'm not colour-blind in any way but my eyesight isn't the best and sometimes I missed words I could hover over.

I don't know if it's possible, but if you could add more save files, I'd definitely appreciate it. I like to have 4-5 pages for each character playthrough but with 12 pages and 6 characters that's only 2 for each of them ;v; I'm a chronic saver because I'm very indecisive haha.

But wow, what an amazing game this is shaping up to be! The characters, the story, the lore... everything is so compelling and intriguing :D I can't wait to see more in the future!

This is amazing, I loved Kurou so much in the previous game, I'm so excited!

(1 edit)

Ah I am so excited!! I can't wait to play it straight when it's released :D Thanks so much for all your hard work <3

I just played it and I loved the new chapter so much! I'm so intrigued by Ember and the Conclave, and can't wait to go to the festival with one/both of the ROs <3

glad to help! my old laptop never had the problem but my new one does even with the same games so i looked for a fix a while back :D

for the background thing, try holding shift upon clicking to open the game (but before it's actually opened) and picking the 'force angle2 renderer' option. it happens on most ren'py games for me unless i do that so i figure it's my laptop lol.

This game is amazing. At first I was hesitant as the art style isn't typically my taste (not bad at all, it's lovely and detailed artwork, just not usually my cup of tea) but the story and characters are so compelling that nothing else matters to me. I especially love Jasper and Marybeth, but all the cast are amazing and have their own endearing quirks. I did not expect the story to go way it did at all, it's so intriguing, and I can hardly wait to see more! I will be eagerly anticipating the full release <3

I would love keychains/badges of Leo and Oscar! Pins would be amazing but I imagine they're expensive to make and not worth it if not many people buy them, so I understand why they wouldn't be offered. No matter what I'll be glad to give you my support <3

I'm so excited!! I can't wait to see the whole gang again <3

So you just delete it and redownload this demo, unless you have the app, in which case it can just be updated. Also if there are any saves delete them and start anew as they will not be compatible.

You have to start new saves. Old ones will not be compatible with the update game.

They only have one main outfit each, but you will be able to choose their hair and accessories. The system for that isn't in place yet.

can't believe i'm admitting this but when i started to play i sort of forgot the plot premise so when IT happened i screamed hhdjssj. i was thinking it's just a cute little reality tv dating show game cause my brain genuinely wiped any other info from my mind. also i have never wanted to befriend people more than griff and florrie despite being the exact opposite of them. 5/5 game patiently looking forward to more.

That's good to know, thank you so much! I really like how inclusive the game is, whilst still being set it it's own universe with some societal 'rules' in place.