really fun game! the movement messes up sometimes but its not that big of a deal. Im enjoying it till now
Explosive Pineapple
Recent community posts
This game was super fun. i still haven't beaten it but it has the perfect mix of challenging but fair. the boss fight was amazing and so was the music in general, and the way it switched from the normal theme to the boss theme. A settings menu where you can change the music or sfx volume would be nice, or making the music lower when the game is paused. overall, awesome game.
very very fun game. I genuinely enjoyed it so much, the mechanic is creative and fun to play with, although was confused as i couldnt tell what it did until i experimented. there was a weird bug where sometimes upon dying i got flunged really high but i dont know what causes it. also you can walk during the true death animation, even though you cant see the screen, which led to me dying repeatadely due to holding d. also the fact that you could only aim while moving made the game more difficult which i liked. overall, fun game.