Are You Asking If I'm Autistic (If That's What You Mean)...... Yes I Am
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this is amazing, i tried speedrunning it. I have a recommendation for you: can you add another ending? and ending where he takes the elevator up and not down and finds an exit but as he gets back in his car he looks through his back view mirror to see the headhunters in the back seats and then the screen turns black and the words "the end" pop up, and in the background you hear the player scream as he is eaten alive (i just want to, this is just an idea, it might be too hard to do but IDK, but overall your game was amazing and had me on the edge of my seat, 10/10.
OMG, this game had me on the edge of my seat because at first when i didn't see him in the window anymore i thought that the person i had been texting was the guy standing and it terrified me but then i got the good ending, i got all the endings btw, that was just something i had to say because it was so well made, as i am a game critic i rate this a 10/10. good job at making me scared to look outside my window!
I got to the end, It was one of the best gameboy style character horror, the music was amazing and the graphics and games were fun, from being a game critice for 7yrs i give this game a 10/10, my reasons you ask? 1. Graphics were good, 2. music original and catchy with the beat (btw i also mastered in music and arts), 3. concept and lore was amazing, and I really enjoy playing your games, especially the garfield horror one. keep making more games (: i'd love to play more.