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A member registered Sep 15, 2017

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Is this a remake/remaster or a continuation/sequel of the previous visual novel?

For the people who wants to start from the very beginning and uses Windows 10 (I don't have Windows 7 to test this), you need to delete the folder "lightsoffgame - [random ID number]" from C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy and the folder "saves" from [game path]\game

You will find all Ren'py saves in that folder, so this might be helpful to you in the future if you want to manipulate save's data from games/visual novels that use that engine.

(4 edits)

Usually I don't play games until they are completed, but I'm glad I decided to play this one. It was a long time since I played an adult western game of this quality. Animations were really well made and the story and characters were one of the best (non-Japanese visual novel) I read.

Since this game has dating sims mechanics, here is a though that could help improve the story: Although lots of games have romance endings with possibility of marriage in them, only a few narrates and follows the story of the couple(s) once that happens. Why having the love of your life with you needs to be the end... and not a narrative tool to explore more of the characters relationships and interactions between them and others around?

For example: How would it be the protagonist's life if he marries someone near the second half of the story, how their lives would change this world (or the battle system) and themselves?

Just a little question: Is there any plans on releasing this game on Steam? I would like to have this game on my wishlist.

I can't play the game or read the narration. The image appears seriously cropped in small screens (mine is 1366x768 and in windowed mode it's the same). This is how it looks:

If i submit a game on this jam, do i need to keep it free and untouched even after the jam has been finished... or can i work on it, post it as a demo and, in a future, put a price on it when its completly polished and ready for selling?

(1 edit)

I will copy-paste my youtube comment here:

After playing until the end i can say this is the visual novel we needed in 2020. Not a lot of Cience Fiction were released and this filled the spot (at least for me) for a short time. Keep the good work and i hope you can get more recognition because "The Anomaly" is an amazing work, even for a demo,

Also it will make players to not try to stick to the first wave just for farming materials.

Remember: farming is boring unless they are behind a nice minigame or if some of them have a 100% chance to appear doing certain stuff.

Really nice game, even for a first release.

A small tip: Try to make those wings and ships unlockables  by completing certain tasks instead of buying them, it will add a bit of replayability to your game.

(2 edits)

I figured it after a 3rd run (i have a bad habit of finding glitches in games xD). Thanks for the tips anyway, now i know the RIGHT way of doing it.

EDIT: After "you know what" the game closed itself.  Is that normal?

Really fun and interesting game. What i loved most was the music and water sound. It's amazing that this game is free, when you see a lot more "games" that charges you for a lot less experience.

I have 1 suggestion: Make invisible walls, specially at the end: at the left side of that bench you can climb a short stone, and from there go to anywhere of the game, reaching places you don't supose to be there.

Also i have 1 question: I got every fish and 100% completed, but the end was the same as my first playtrough. Is there something new when you have those things?