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A member registered Jan 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Not a game, but it is in slides.

SlideJam community · Posted in hi


The story is so goofy. I love it. It could use a better control setup tho.

This is indeed a very good fucking game.

This is the most accurate depiction of severe ADHD I have ever seen. 

The game can, in fact, be beaten by someone who actually has ADHD. 


I would play again, but I forgor. 

You could definitely work with someone like Kaze Emanuar and turn this into a real n64 rom. The game is great.

I was going to, but then I decided against it given the progression of the story depending on glitches.

Nice concept, reminds me of quantum break.

FL0W community · Created a new topic Good Game

Contrast could be higher tho.

You can have interactions if they are meant to be part of the player's imagination as a result of extended isolation.

GB Studio is also really easy to get into, plenty of browser based tools are available as well as premade assets.

Really nice game, a bit laggy at times, but over all really nice, maybe tweak the physics a bit to reduce lag.

Be isolated. Try to stay at least 6 feet away from people IRL.

Arrow keys, z,x, and enter, i haven't mapped rshift yet.

Just updated the game so that the music is not trash. Thanks to  suitntie22.

This is a common glitch in GB Studio called start warping, if any frame discrepancies happen, it can warp you to a different area. This seems relatively harmless, but it has been know to delete saves under extreme use. There is currently no fix and the engine is too unstable to make it any less harmless.