It is on the wall next to my bed now :3c
I hope your wish ✨ comes true soon btw 💕
Vere is going to be the death of me teehee :3c
I'm going to print out what you said and frame it. Thank you :3c
Are you 12 LMAO :3c
So cute :3
RIGHT?! So good! I love it!
I'm usually not that into shooters, but this one is so good. Yummy blood nom nom nom :3c
He is such a dork I need him :3
He is so adorable! I need him. Meow :3
Love how every time I was like awww they are so cute together something bad happened. Very cool. 10/10 game. Women are awesome! :3
Shaking my head while I kiss my assassin lover so everyone knows I think murder is like so not cool. Honey stoooop :/