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A member registered Sep 06, 2018

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(1 edit)

I liked the transition of menu to game and the idea of "Only one note" and the model was funny and the idea of it instead of being a guitar being uhh...the thingy that I forgot its name is cute too since it's only one note, and of course props to music as well, buuuut I kinda missed..always, even when I got the hits right in the center of the square thingy! I can't tell if I am missing something or if it's bugged tbh.

Edit: also love the thumbnail!

I liked the tutorial texts, I liked the artstyle and animations, I liked the 1st puzzle(aand that's as far as I got tbh cause kinda got stuck on the second one and didn't find a reset button and was too eager to try the rest of the games I will give this a more proper review after that) and I liked how it taught you the basics of the game as to look around for more hidden stuff, game feels like it can be fun in VR too! 

I loved the little polishings here and there like the background moving and the coins coming at you when you got close and overall didn't encounter any bugs, and also I got to feel like a little bunny hoping around!
But also a little thing that I think could be worked with, the bubbles as cute as they were, were way too uncontrollable and most of the times I had to wait for one to get that perfect jump for the win, also I think the rocket launchers were great and no surprise that my favourite level was the S looking one with rocket launchers on each row, though I think they'd benefit from their timer resetting after losing contact cause it felt like it didn't and had a few frustrating loses to instant shoots, though could just just improve myself there...
Also kinda felt like the theme was a bit missing.
But overall nitpicking aside a very well deserved 5/5 I really had fun with the game!

(0/10 made me think about physics) I liked the implementation of the theme with the idea of "one button" and the controls felt smooth, but outside of that the drones feel a bit too high and most of the times it just feels more efficient to just go fast and not swing the wrecking ball at all to just get them them with slight height adjustments; I don't know I felt like it could use some kinda...encouragement to swing the Wrecking ball, and the big ball is a fun idea but for it to be used the chain should be just a bit longer so you can give it a "kick" from a lower angle and as of now the only realistic approach to sending it flying is smashing it against the wall with little to no control.
Also bugs; health just doesn't move mostly(or I am missing something) and I've played 4 times and have gotten stuck in game twice after I died(Which actually was a great way to mess around with the controls)
Overall very original game but the idea of one button is great with the theme but in this case it feels just a bit limiting as I feel like the game could really use a "boost" button at least.

Gratz on the 15th place! I hope you get even higher next time!

A  tetris game, I probably won't spend much time on this one!~Faer before spending much time on this one
It felt so relaxing with the cute little artistic touches and the atmospheric music that I could just spend so much time playing this, I think the combo system could be a bit more rewarding like counting 5 rows as 2+ and 6 as 3+! Also I personally like the punishing system since I feel like it draws the fine line between relaxing and not caring at all and I kinda dislike that it's removed in the non-gamejam version. Also I think the instructions could use a toggle button to see them again midgame cause I personally forgot the buttons so I was forced to wait till the next time I lose to see them again every time!(Hah get it?'s cause you can't lose!) overall a 5/5 idea! Take my stars! (>'-')>

1300! Also I like its simplicity and cuteness! I feel like it could use a speed up button with a cooldown for those times you are caught in a corner and also spacing between pigeons needs to be a bit more random(sometimes they stack up) and also a lil' cute instructions,but of course those are all little details and doesn't change the fact that it's fun, good job!

Nice little cute concept! Looking forward to it improving!