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A member registered Nov 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice retro 3d and challenging action!

Just two levels, but the platforming action is solid, I approve!

In a sea of pretentious adventures this game manages to be:

- fun
- thoughtful
- cute

Well done!

(1 edit)

I have just finished this with a friend, and what can I say, it is fun, play it!

The idea is both novel and cosy, a way to enjoy IF in two, without requiring servers or an internet connection (you could play it both in the same room, on different machines)!

The story is there but not prominent, some puzzles were a bit too hard for me but the hint system is superb (and the hint mechanic too, you have to ask your friend!), so again warm feelings.

I hope the author keeps making games!











My friend had problems because he typed `GO UPSTAIRS` and `CLIMB UPSTAIRS` but the commands were not recognised.

I managed to solve each puzzle on my own after reading the hints bar from BEFORE.

Slick action, I enjoyed this!

Simple but good, I liked this!

Ecco the Dolphin, but with a murderous soap bar.

Game is short but was fun, well done!

Ciao Riccardo,

    abbiamo provato Jens Queue Koncertedly. Ovviamente «alla cieca», cioè nessuno ci ha spiegato le regole, le abbiamo lette insieme e deciso via via cosa fare.

Qualche nota/consiglio dalla nostra partita:

- per me dovresti mettere in evidenza subito (nel riquadro in alto) che il gioco è per due giocatori, e che serviranno due mazzi di carte (francesi o italiane).

- avere anche all’inizio un’idea generale di dove si andrà a parare con lo scopo del gioco sarebbe utile per una più facile lettura ( «lo scopo del gioco è guadagnare più punti dell’avversario grazie a delle combinazioni di carte nella nostra colonna»).

- abbiamo fatto: il primo turno io inizio e spendo i miei punti azione, poi l’avversario. Al secondo turno (dopo che si sono scartate/pescate le carte) il mio avversario inizierà per primo e così via. È corretto? Andrebbe specificato.

- Se ho nella mia colonna per esempio KQQQQ posso come prima azione scambiare il Re e la Donna, e poi la seconda azione scambiarli di nuovo (ritornando così allo stato di prima)?

- Ci sono delle piccole imprecisioni tipografice (mancano i punti alla fine di alcune frasi).

- Forse metterei i colori di ♥️ e ♦️ in rosso.

- Non abbiamo capito esattamente cosa sia una scala. «Four cards in sequence, one per suit». Ma noi abbiamo solo KQJ! Vuol dire che KQJQ è «in sequenza» perché non ci sono buchi tra una carta e l’altra?

Riscontro più generale: per me il gioco ha potenziale perché i giocatori interagiscono tra di loro e il materiale di gioco è presente in quasi ogni casa italiana. Continua a sviluppare nuovi giochi!

Very very very interesting experience, thinking about your own narrative is challenging and rewarding.

Congratulations, an ace of a game for the jam!

Had fun playing this, "chasing" the narrating voice was a nice touch. Well done!

Interesting game, for sure the more experimental of the jam, happy to have played it.

Note to users: I needed to click on "Enter fullscreen" to make this playable (fullscreen makes it more immersive too).

This project is used only for free and personal use, this must not be used for commercial purposes, paid projects or games without creator permission.”

↑ This is not an open source licence.

This is definitely not open-source.

No worries, I appreciate the effort!

This run good on Wine. Keep making games!

Mhhh still problems:

~$ ./thefireofardor-1.2.0-x86_64.AppImage

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/carsten/.local/share/virtualenvs/src-zA22MTc_/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cx_Freeze/initscripts/", line 140, in run

  File "/home/carsten/.local/share/virtualenvs/src-zA22MTc_/lib/python3.12/site-packages/cx_Freeze/initscripts/", line 25, in run

  File "", line 2, in <module>

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Thanks for caring about us Linux users!

PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"

Linux binary fails with

`ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory`

which is weird for an appimage, libraries should be bundled, right?

`wine` works fine though~

110 kills, forest at 100HP, I 100% this!

Consider adding levels, it is a great game.

Good tower defense game! Was pleasant to play and each way was unique on its composition, very interesting.

One thing I did not like about UI: if you want to place another animal, you have to right click before left clicking on it.

Well done!

Good physics, I enjoyed driving for a few laps especially with hills.

Lad the Linux download is actually a Windows executable!

Aventura interesante, algo divertida, desarrolada en manera sencilla y con grafica bonita.

Me ha gustado mucho "hablar" los dioses y los varios hombres y mujeres en la envestigación.

Y todo esto en más o menos 200KiB!

A fun-to-play roguelike: ten levels, different characters to choose, tiles and some animations instead of ASCII.

I had fun beating it: I went for a pacifist conduct. Sometimes it can be cruel (a string of unlucky potions or unlucky scrolls), but that is part of roguelike experience I guess.

Well done!


A couple of notes for the developer:

- the "back" button is placed on top of the "menu" button, wich is at times confusing
- the mansion looks quite old from the outside, very modern from the inside, which is a bit jarring
- there is a lot to click in the pond, but not much to get, which I guess makes for awkward gameplay but good immersion

A solid inherithed/haunted house game, with good characters and dialogue, relatively straightforward puzzles and good music.

The thing I liked most about the game is the atmosphere (which makes or breaks this kind of games). It was satisfying but a pity the game is very short.

Mhh I read the book and found a safe, I am stuck!

I find the idea interesting, but there is work to be done on UX level.

I read `instructions.txt` and `entrance.txt`, where to go next?

(1 edit)

Good release and good feeler text!

Great atmosphere for this demo-sized game. It really conveys well the feeling of horror and despair of the world.

I would for sure play a full version!

Solid game, with clear influences from early console RPGs.

I cannot say it is innovative, but everything it does, it does in a nice way, from battles to level progression to enemies.

Works flawlessly on Debian 12, well done!

Simple and short game about wandering in — and surviving — the desert.

Good descriptions made me feel like I was there, well done.

Simple and cosy single choice game, well done!

Simple and very short game that does a lot with a specific mechanic. It was challenging enough, rewarding, with cosy graphics.

Very good atmosphere in this game, story and challenges (puzzles/enemy) complement each other, good.

I reached (what I think is) the boss, it is fun enough.

A short non-interactive game. It is quite good, both the dialogue/visual setup and the climax at the end.

A short adventure game with two well known mechanics: multiplay player character and a travel log scattered among many computer stations.

The writing is very good, fun at times, touching at times.

I hope to see more from the author.

This game is fantastic, accomplishes so much with just one clever mechanic. I am amazed that this could be done with just a speccy. Fantastic hit!

(1 edit)

An actually very playable MPL themed game, with a 90s vibe, clever mechanics and — later on — challenging levels.

Well done!

Almost skipped this thinking it was a juveline coding experiment, but it is a funny, challenging, rewarding, sonically engrossing game.